
Tuesday, December 9, 2014


...*We are sending out this wake-up call to those, who have
preserved God’s spark of Love and to those, who today
remain standing stock-still on the bridge between the worlds,
because they fear the Light in front of them as well as the
darkness behind them. *...

...*Madness spreads, there, where reason has failed, fallacies
prevail, there, where the manipulations of the human mind
are effective and all those human Beings remain unconscious,
who despite the many opportunities for awakening have decided to remain unconscious.*....


8. Dezember 2014

2:44 AM

The days get tight; the world now stands at the
end of its journey and human Beings with it.

Wake up beloved Ones, time presses on,
the course of the world changes and lives
end and are reborn!....

And therefore this wake-up call from eternity goes out
to this world and to this mankind:

Wake up as long as Mother Earth still offers
you an opportunity for it and as long as the
Creator nurtures you in his Grace. ....


Master of Clarity, Master of Purity and Master of all those
human Beings, who are willing to face themselves in God’s
Light – unconditionally, without compromise, truthfully and
with a heart filled with the desire for God.

Change is Brewing
The unrest in this world increases. The great change
with the cascade of great events is truly brewing.

Beloved Ones!

Wake up, before the last opportunities fade and elapse,
and before you yourself will die away with these opportunities,
whereby you face your mortality again; as an unredeemed human Being standing in front of his mirror image.

 Recognize how much the brood of vipers wants to imbibe you. And while this plan occurs on a level, wherefrom the ascending ones will stay away, it will become reality for all those, who want to remain unconscious until the last day.

Awakening of the last Light Warriors
And yet this wake-up call from eternity goes out to
this mankind – today, here and now. Why?

Today, here and now, it is about those human Beings,
who still carry a spark of wisdom in themselves in order
to awaken, because: Every awakened human child is a
Creator of a new world of Light.

This world rises and is dissolved at the same time.
In these days those Masters, who serve on the bridges
between the worlds, experience that many human Beings,
who were called, are deaf, and that many, who are expected,
stay away.

It is true: The number of spiritually awakened
ones is as few as their quality is unsurpassed.

Pain experiences are only means for healing for those human
Beings, who are fully unconscious and due to events, which
break open human consciousness, will be moved to turn back.

Recognition and Awakening
Recognition means: To recognize the false prophets
in politics, the economy and in the New Age movement.
Awakening means: To apply one’s own power as an awakened
Being, as Creator among Gods, and thereby undermine the
foundation of the dark forces until the last of all days in this

The wake-up call from Eternity, for all those,
who, standing on the bridge into the Light,
are turning back or want to turn back.

Stand up, look up! You light warriors, you, those, who deny
their own Light and do not know how to interpret the wars in
this world? How long do you want to wait and how long shall
we still expect you?
We are sending out this wake-up call to those, who have
preserved God’s spark of Love and to those, who today
remain standing stock-still on the bridge between the worlds,
because they fear the Light in front of them as well as the
darkness behind them.

The days get tight; the world now stands
at the end of its journey and human Beings with it.

I am with you, beloved One,
I am with all Life in this world.
I am only a breath away from you,
And yet those, who cannot gain anything from
Eternity and can gain everything from impermanence,
are an Eternity away from me.

In infinite Love

I am

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