
Sunday, December 14, 2014

God wants YOU to be Unique : They want YOU ... Normal !!!

...*When God thought of you it was as if you were the very first thought He ever had, the very first spirit He had ever made. It doesn't matter that He had already created countless souls before you
God wanted an adventure and so He made you.YOU.....
You are God's adventure! You are God experiencing a unique, unequaled adventure every second of every day, night, week month...on and on into eternity.
God does not like "normal". God does not know "normal". God did not make his children to be "normal". He made His children to be UNIQUE, UNEQUALED, UNPARALLELED, UNSURPASSED and UNMATCHED to anyone else anywhere in all this vast Creation of His.*...


Normal or Unique
By Hano
Are you a machine? Are you a mass produced commodity built according to a strict set of plans from which no deviation is possible? Are you "normal" or are you "unique"?
In today's society it has become almost a crime to be "unique". You cannot be unique, you must fit in , play nice, follow the rules. "Follow the rules" who's rules would that be? Would it be the rules of man, designed to keep you down? Or...should it be the rules of God, designed to make you fly? Who's rules shall it be? Ahh...choices, choices. Enslavement to "normal" or freedom of "uniqueness"? Which shall it be? Which one will allow you to be "unique" and which one wants you to be "normal"? Which one wants you to be like everyone else? An "everyone else" that doesn't exist except in the minds of those wishing for you to pay allegiance to them for ease of use and abuse of you for their own purposes with no regard for your welfare.
God is no fan of monotony. He doesn't like boredom. He likes variety, change, experience, something new every minute...something new every second. God does not do "normal" when it comes to his children. He doesn't do standardized production line souls. All the same with no FUN, SPONTANEITY, CREATIVITY and GROWTH. He likes all his children to be different. He likes all his children to be UNIQUE. Each one is totally and singularly unique and no two is or ever will be alike. Each soul, each SPIRIT, is an original thought. A thought never thought before in all time.
When God thought of you it was as if you were the very first thought He ever had, the very first spirit He had ever made. It doesn't matter that He had already created countless souls before you. You were like the first and each one after you were also like the first. God put as much care and uniqueness into you as into the very first one ever made way,way back into the eternal mists.
God wanted an adventure and so He made you. YOU! You who are reading this here right now. You are God's adventure! You are God experiencing a unique, unequaled adventure every second of every day, night, week month...on and on into eternity.
God does not like "normal". God does not know "normal". God did not make his children to be "normal". He made His children to be UNIQUE, UNEQUALED, UNPARALLELED, UNSURPASSED and UNMATCHED to anyone else anywhere in all this vast Creation of His. GOD made His children to do HIS WILL in HIS WAY, not do their will in their own way, although, He did give FREE WILL CHOICE too and does allow it just so the children can see who's will is the better will, who's will is THE SUPREME WILL. He lets His children play by their own rules...for a while...he allows them to forget their uniqueness, their essence, He allows his children to be "normal" just so they can experience the oppression of "normal", the boredom of "normal". When they have had enough of "normal" and decide to come back to Him, then He will open them up once again. He will help them and guide them to see their own totally original UNIQUENESS. The uniqueness of joy, love, spontaneity, originality, creativity of GOD INSIDE. If you are willing to follow GOD'S RULES you will find the uselessness of your rules. You will never want to be "normal" ever again!
You will want to be UNIQUE in every way impossible (yes, impossible) for in God nothing is impossible for the children that LOVE. For the children made of LOVE, in LOVE by the ONE ORIGINAL SOURCE of LOVE. So...GO AHEAD, BE UNIQUE! BE GOD HAVING AN ADVENTURE!
I will ask again : Are you "NORMAL" OR UNIQUE? Are you God having an adventure or are you just you being bored with you because you don't know that YOU ARE GOD ON AN ETERNAL ADVENTURE?
Which shall it be? God awaits your reply and hopes it's unique.

*Phodos added