
Friday, November 14, 2014

The Twilight in The Valley of Shadows


Targeted message. 
 ... Twilight is the time of day between daylight and darkness. ... day between daylight and darkness, whether that's after sunset, or before sunrise.    
 metaphorically, to imply that something is losing strength and approaching its end



 *There is a massive cleanup of the archon network, a collection of demonic and degenerate Ets which is about 80% completed.*

..*There are some who are trying to create WW3, creating false flags, fake epidemics etc. Many refer to these negative factions as the cabal, zionists, illuminati etcWhat they refer to as power has nothing to do with power. Power comes from source, prime creator , God, Creator, Great Spirit what ever you want to call it is love.
Those who operate under universal law, love and serve all creation are coming forward.They are multidimensional and are a force beyond comprehension. This force includes the benevolent Annunaki which are recalling the fallen ones left behind.
Those who broke universal law are standing in front of the councils, facing their deeds and the consequences. The Pleiadians, Orion Council of Light. Arcturians, Andromedans, and a host of other extremely advanced off worlders or what others refer to as ultradimensionals are all coming forward to liberate the Earth and reset her back on her original course
There is a massive cleanup of the archon network, a collection of demonic and degenerate Ets which is about 80% complete.*..
