
Friday, November 7, 2014

The Glorious Time of Manknd

On all our pathways God walked with us,
And also the last step in the Light we fulfill with HIM,
In HIM and through HIM.
Limitless is His Grace and now it fulfills in us. 
Who can change a divine order, and who can block a 
mandate from Heaven? I say to you:There is no force in Creation, which can defy God and there is no power in the universe, which will still effectively set against the decision of mankind to ascend
I am That I Am
Comprehensive Preparations for the Separation 
The heavenly forces are actually in the process to prepare this earth in all areas for the separation of this galaxy and orient it toward 

The Great Kingdom of Peace has begun 
This time quality demands from the ascending human Beings the steady binding to the Source of all Life and requires the deep understanding of all processes, even though they are already.......

Starting Place for the Change in Dimension 
No stone remains where it is now! The dislocation of this world is in full swing and this world has already moved to a different place in Heaven......

The glorious Time of Mankind 

The truth of the ascension for every human Being shows itself at the end. Only at the end of time will the ascension tourists be separated from the actual ascending ones and on the last day of all days the chaff will be entirely separated from the wheat.
The glorious time of this mankind, the unique journey through this limited structure in God’s Creation, has given us many lessons and has enabled many insights. And the last of all insights is: 
Time and space have been overcome long ago, even if you still experience it. 
The one, who knows the levels, is assured, who can distinguish between space-time and no space-time, like between day and night, has arrived and maintains his consciousness on this temporary level 
as long as the divine assignments command him to do so.Who understands this mystery to some degree, to him no golden calf will be enough, no foreign God can offer him a home, and no deception in this world can divert him from the path.

The end time is what it is: End time and the end of time.We passed through all times, we lived through innumerable spaces, now it is time to say goodbye, because we never return to this world as the ones we were so far and are now.
Who is God?
Everyone, who fulfills God’s will, everyone, to whom God is the
most important name of all names, everyone, who devotes himself 
to God, such, as if he would let himself sink into his own arms.
Gone is the life in transiency and Eternity fulfills itself in this world.
…Life, which is infinite, begins.


From Eternity to Eternity.
On all our pathways God walked with us,
And also the last step in the Light we fulfill with HIM,
In HIM and through HIM.
Limitless is His Grace and now it fulfills in us. 
I am in this world, but not of this world,
And I am mankind’s devoted servant.
I am the omnipresent guardian of the steps 
of ascension and the bridges into the Light.
I am the Peace, the Life and the Love,
I am the Light for Truth and I am the Way
for the new reality of mankind.
I am That I Am
Read Full Message......

*Images added