
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Heaven and Earth :In The Now .

„Heaven and Earth were never closer as in these days, even if the course of the world does not let you assume this.“
Prophecies are released from this time,
because the Now knows neither future
nor does it have a past.

God’s Grace is without bounds and equally
unlimited are the possibilities for turning
back to the path of Love, the path of Light and
the path of unconditional trust in God.
A true servant is the one, who knows his greatness
and who wrestles significance from the insignificant.
A true servant is the one, who has overcome his “I”
and has found into his “Self”.
A true servant is the one, who serves God,
because this service is worship for oneself. 
So we have entered into this world as “God’s true servants”, in order to be an example as Creator Gods. So we have come, in order to ignite a firework of Love, so that mankind can look at themselves in their own light.
So we have descended, in order to proclaim as “guardians of this world” the last days of this time into all corners of this earth.

So we have descended, in order to proclaim as “guardians of this world” the last days of this time into all corners of this earth.
 *Phodos added g+
Paul Meulman-Kagayia