
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

THE WAVE: “An Interval of Non-Time”,

...*Our linear sense will stop and we will bond with Creator Christ Michael, becoming conscious of who we really are and our purpose on Earth and in this universe of Nebadon, one of over 700,000 universes in the cosmos. Oneness with all of creation will finally be understood through the feelings brought about by the Wave, yet only a few will truly experience the ultimate degree. Yet all people will be affected to the degree of their awakening and understanding.
This Wave produces what is called “The Great Divine Shift”.*...

...*There will be a moment when all laws necessary for the creative maintenance of physical matter and all materialising processes become suspended. Due to the relative velocities of the various star systems, this event will not be experienced simultaneously in all parts of the universe, but will travel as a wave across the sea of creation.

Existing within this ripple of non-time will be the focused conscious attention of the Creator. As it passes through the material realms, it will stay and take up residence in all life forms with circuitry capable of mirroring its essence. This is the moment when the Creator will slip inside Creation; the moment for which we are attempting to prepare you.*..

..*In a very real sense, you have not yet been born. You are still in an embryonic stale. You have yet to receive the touch of God’s total definition. Through the long years of human history on Earth, your species has been forming the cells that are to comprise the directive aspect of the physical body of the Creator within Creation.*....