
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Jewel Planet of the Universe : Under the protection of The Seven Kumaras.!


Earth is one of the seven sacret planets within the Universes of time - space,and the whole creation.
Each one and all these sacret planets,are under the prodection of the seven first mind born sons of the Creator - Source.The seven Kumaras,The seven Sages,or Flames of the Eternal.
Each one of the Kumaras created His own jewel, in defferend universe,and each one separately, Is been the Logos for all life on the planet of their creation.
This happened billions of years ago.For one reason.For the Grand Experiment,which would take place on these planets later,according to the Devine Plan,and the Father Creator,s will.
That,s the beginning  and the setting up of the enviromental conditions and other parameters, needed
for the *Big Project* of Duality.
Father/Mother God said : * In my Kinghtom there is no good or evil,there is no rich and poor,there is only Me.Love.*...
In physical planes the pair of opposites is the moving force-power for the evolution.
There is a saying from ancient wisdom that : * In a mysterious way in physicality,evil is servant to the good !*....
Christ Michael stated in Phoenix Journals that the Grand Experimend contucted also in the other Universes,but under more strict control.
He admitted that in conducting the experimend in His own Universe,He wanded to be more invending and revolutionary in  setting the parameters ,limits and limitations,and also the rules
of engagemend.He wanded for the sake of Creation and The Devine Plan, to explore the bounds, of both Light and Darkness,by allowing only the non direct intervention from both sides.
Not to forget, that we are the learning extensions of an  evolving and expanding Devine perfection within the Universes of time-space.We are part of the Creator = Source,as IT IS part of us.
 As an anseparable part of the creative force within space-time,and as co-creators,we created words and worlds,systems and galaxies within the Cosmos,as multidimensional beings.
Myriads of aspects of our multidimensional selves are sent by our Higher Self, through out the universes of time- space in service to One. Both The Creator and Christ Michael,stated in their chanelled messages,that darknes is an alien virus,imported from another darkened universe,which the HR of Light,having no other alternatives,decided to be erased from the infinite map of  cosmic creation.Before this universe disappears,part of the
dark forces,succeded to escape and entered into our universe,finding residence in our solar system,a quiet area in outer reach of our Milky Way Galaxy.
Part of the game? Another chance into another platform for the dark forces,to explore their intentions ?Who knows?
The Grand Experiment took place and was under the authority and supervision of the Higher - Highest Realms of Light.It was destined to examine, how far darkness can go,in conditions of separation from the Source,and also the possibilities of Giving Light to darkness by changing the density and vibrations, though the chifting of conciousnes to higher levels of existence.
Here is where Lucifer finds his place in the game.
 LUCIFER was a brilliant primary Lanonandek Son of Nebadon. He had experienced service in many systems, had been a high counselor of his group, and was distinguished for wisdom, sagacity, and efficiency. Lucifer was number 37 of his order, and when commissioned by the Melchizedeks, he was designated as one of the one hundred most able and brilliant personalities in more than seven hundred thousand of his kind.
 Lucifer was not an ascendant being; he was a created Son of the local universe, and of him it was said: “You were perfect in all your ways from the day you were created till unrighteousness was found in you.” Many times had he been in counsel with the Most Highs of Edentia. And Lucifer reigned “upon the holy mountain of God,” the administrative mount of Jerusem, for he was the chief executive of a great system of 607 inhabited worlds. 
The Grand Experiment took place and was under the authority and supervision of the Higher - Highest Realms of Light.It was destined to examine, how far darkness can go,in conditions of separation from the Source,and also the possibilities of Giving Light to darkness, by changing the density and vibrations, though the chifting of conciousnes to higher levels of spiritual existence.
Darknes is, in no way, a self existant element in creation.It is the shadow of light,and its value is measured by the increase or diminish of the light quodient.The chifting of conciousnes to higher
levels of spirituality,is affecting also the physicality , by changing the vibrations of the matterial world to higher spiritual levels .
