
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Shocking German Move To Join BRICS



BRICS to mull development bank, forex reserve poolShocking German Move To Join BRICS Spells Obama Doom

by on July 23, 2014
A shocking new report prepared by the Ministry Of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) circulating in the Kremlin today states that Germany’s Federal Foreign Office (FFO) contacted Moscow this week requesting an accelerated membership course for their joining the BRICS economic community as they plan to leave the European Union (EU), a move Russian experts said would “spell doom” to the Obama regimes “dream of empire”.
BRICS is the acronym for an association of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa and as of 2013, the five BRICS countries represent almost 3 billion people with a combined nominal GDP of US$16.039 trillion and an estimated US$4 trillion in combined foreign reserves.  As of 2014, the BRICS nations represented 18 percent of the world economy.
Opposing BRICS is a global financial system organized by the West and dominated by the US which forces nations to conduct their international business in the unstable US dollar, making their economies swing back and forth with the winds of policy crafted inWashington, D.C., and New York City.
The West has ceded influence in institutions like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) only grudgingly, and to the BRICS, today’s financial system is out of touch with the changing times, and ill-suited to support the world’s up-and-coming economic titans.
According to this report, Germany became “alarmed” this week after the Obama regime ordered the EU to “ignore and not comment on” the evidence provided by Russia relating to the Malaysian Airlines 17 flight shot down over Ukraine last week proving it was a “deliberate action” ordered by Kiev officials with CIA involvement.
German intelligence sources, this report continues, confirm their US counterpart’s assessment that Russia had no involvement in the downing of this aircraft and further confirm that the Obama regimes case using YouTube videos and Tweets to blame Russia is “unraveling like a cheap sweater” under the increasing realization that dubious social media-sourced evidence is essentially all there is.
Most damning about the Obama regime accusations against Russia relating to the downing of MH-17, this report says, were German intelligence confirmations that these same YouTube videos and Tweets seeking to prove Russian involvement have proven to be “manipulated” and, instead, prove Ukrainian military forces were to blame.
Important to note, MoFA experts in this report say, is that Germany in knowing of the coming showdown between the Obama regime and Russia, had secretly planned to join the BRICS nations economic bloc in 2011 when its Bundesbank (Central Bank of Germany) demanded a full repatriation of Germany’s entire US$141 billion gold reserve from the US Federal Reserve where it was stored.
On 24 June 2014, this report continues, Germany was forced to give up on its plan to repatriate its gold from the US after being told by the Obama regime that it would only get its gold back in seven years, clearly showing that the US central banking cartel did something nefarious with the metal it had been entrusted to safeguard.
In countering the Obama regimes move, however, this report says, Germany withheld from being converted into Euros over US13 billion worth of its former currency Deutsche Marks, and since 2011 have had their printing presses working overtime printing more.
Making Germany’s move to BRICS and away from the Obama regime even more urgent, this report warns, are the Americans planned attack on the Bundesbank similar to their one on France’s largest bank BNP Paribas that was punished with a US$9 billion legal fee after France refused to cancel the Mistral warship shipment to Russia, and which promptly led Banque de France (French National Bank) head Christian Noyer to warn that “the days of the US Dollar as a reserve currency are numbered”.
Agreeing with Noyer, this report says, is Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff who stated last week at the start of the seventh summit of the BRICS nations that the five big emerging economies “are moving toward a new global architecture”; an economic structure Germany desperately needs as the “boomerang effect” of the Obama regimes sanctions on Russia are beginning to destroy the Germany economy.
Equally as critical behind Germany’s move to join BRICS, this report says, was the Obama regimes CIA spy ring uncovered spying on top German officials causing Germany to order the CIA station chief in Berlin to leave their country.
So alarmed has Germany become over the Obama regimes spying on them, Russian intelligence experts in this report say, their top government officials are now forced to store their smartphones and tablet computers when sensitive discussions take place, andtypewriter sales are now surging in Germany too as CIA/NSA fears are forcing even of the most common of people to keep their secrets safe.
As to the American people themselves being aware of the catastrophically dangerous West-East struggle for global economic supremacy now ongoing, and with each passing day is leading to open conflict, this report doesn’t say.
However, in a recent poll conducted by Politico, it found that most Americans aren’t paying the least bit of attention to the war propaganda coming out of Washington…a deliberate ignorance they will surely pay for much sooner than later.
July 23, 2014 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.