
Friday, May 30, 2014

Being Ever More Perfect: Create in his own image

Being Ever More Perfect: Create in his own image By Joyce
May 20, 2014 - 7:32:30 PM          

043014 Being Ever More Perfect: Create in his own image

You could say that the universe-all is quality driven rather than efficiency driven. Efficiency is an effect of true quality. And quality is an effect of the perfection process. You often put the end cause before the beginning cause and mistake it for the reverse. Think deeply about that.
The most perfect outcome is worth the time for alignment in the end, and in the process, and most certainly in the beginning. The time it took to achieve it is illusory like the money of this world and the seeming cost involved in a given project. You are not a business. God is not a business. Impatience is a greedy driver and cuts corners to results that would be better served by patience and mindful attention at the wheel. Impatience ends up being a truly wasteful choice.
The universe-all ends up being highly efficient because it has an omnipotent omniscient and omnipresent driver at the helm. It would do you well to remember these simple things. This may help:

Realize that when aligned with the Universal Father, I AM using the power of my Heavenly Father - all things are possible. (visual given was a "Father Fractal"; see ) reminds me of the cover of Hazel's book!
You are to create this "fractal" idea of the Universal Father in your bodies first:
My spirit body is perfect as the Universal Father is perfect (visualize Father Fractal if it helps you to do so)
I command uncreation of all that is not aligned with this perfect pattern; this perfect cause
My mind body is perfect as the Universal Father is perfect
I command uncreation of all that is not aligned with this perfect pattern; this perfect cause
My emotional body is perfect as the Universal Father is perfect
I command uncreation of all that is not aligned with this perfect pattern; this perfect cause
My physical body is perfect as the Universal Father is perfect
I command uncreation of all that is not aligned with this perfect pattern; this perfect cause

I AM perfect LOVE in perfected manifestation
Therefor, I AM THAT I AM
I was given an important afterthought: Remember careful attention to self - quality of thought & action - and clearing up any mess immediately!

Love & thanks.

Candace: And I agree that messes should be cleared ASAP where possible to do so. In this particular stressing and pressing time,, people misunderstand each other even more than previously and its important to use love to clear up misconceptions and confusions about what has transpired between people.

It is important to establish true cause. People will seek out this concept of finding true cause in due time and it will become a habit. And if done regularly it will become a habit to find the cause and eventually see the cause before you get started,,, so that a more perfect effect is obtained.

Becoming perfect as your Father is perfect is hugely about communication besides knowledge of how it all works as to the perfection process. That is WHAT will produce in each of us, this statement above The universe-all ends up being highly efficient because it has an omnipotent omniscient and omnipresent driver at the helm. You become with experience and practice, that omipotent, omniscient and ominpresent driver of your personal helms as you co create with Source/Father/God. -C