
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Master S.Germain : Is There Going to be a Mass Ascension?


Is There Going to be a Mass Ascension?

Welcome to a different collective consciousness. When the newly transformed children of divine grace are fully able to deal with news of disasters, they will be able to make a major difference when they occur. Many disasters are expected in your next days, as we will not be able to divert most of them. They appear eminent in a drama that was created in the minds of man, and they can become destiny or not, depending on the healing that is done within the mass consciousness. Allow the changes in you to grow. Welcome all the pending dramas with open hearts. Responses to your collective energies will come when you are not anticipating them.

Souls are now clamoring to be in bodies. In this coming year more and more will choose their next body, and it will most likely be one that is already in costume. Walk-ins will be the answer to many of those souls needing an opportunity for ascension. Twenty million chose to be embodied in these days leading up to the greatest disasters of the human experience as part of their quest for mastery. Only two million are currently able to delete their mind's control so they can answer the ascension call. All the others need more ascension consciousness.

When we decided to delay the mass ascension, it was to give these dreamers another chance. Change the dream and commit to ascend. When this has been done, the only other thing needed for planetary ascension is the deletion of negativity about all of God's creations. Are you able to consider these negative attitudes nonsense? Why not?

Caring for some and not all does not negate negativity, it does, however, make the carer more loving and more able to delete their unconscious contractions in present time. The Angels are allowing for more changes to occur before ascension. We must make this possibility obvious to those who are not yet able to consider ascension a growth in awareness, the step that comes after a quest for divine guidance. Many of my chelas ask me to guide them to God's help, none ask me to take them to ascension. Why? To understand mass ascension one needs more light on this topic in the great books about higher consciousness. Most don't even mention it.

Celebrating a New Year is one's choice, celebrating ascension is not an option for those only entertaining it because of its mystique. There is courage needed to agree to it. More are afraid than can be counted on. Celebrating the mass ascension will be a big first. We will do it, only the date and time are still in question.

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna