SaLuSa Speaks of the Mission and of the Akashic Records – Auroradreamflights Update – Channeled by Multidimensional Ocean 23 Nov. 2012
Beloved friends, we have always told you that Earth was a training ground for souls. Now more than ever you come to understand what we mean by that. Keep in mind that all that is being uncovered is for the highest good. All is coming into the obvious sight in these last days before the sacred heart connect with the divine for Mother Earth.
What this mean is that the days ahead will offer even more opportunities for the light to shine on Mother Earth from now on with the new portal opening at these very moments.
Remember that when light is turned on in a room, all becomes seen by all. So please remember to look into your own soul and heart before rushing to be critical of others. If you need to point something out to somebody, please always connect with your sincere Higher feelings and relate to the person before you point out in a direction where you feel something may have been misunderstood.
While on the higher planes we enjoy telepathy, empathy, connection to source, please do remember that on Mother Earth this has not taken place ordinarily for the vast majority of people without hard, life long, sincere spiritual work. Divine sight is neither natural nor common under normal circumstances on Mother Earth, due to many blockage within your DNA.
The last act of the sleep stage for humanity is playing itself out right now, and the inner considering that people have about themselves and others are spread to international conflicts when these happen with head of States.
This coming Saturday’s mission for Aurora will be centred on the topic of heart connection. The commonly spread idea is that the connection with your heart is simple and easily accessed by all. However, when in grip of ordinary life and events of daily life, it is easy to forget who you all really are. You are all divine beings, experiencing Mother Earth’s ascension and you have volunteered to help humanity on Earth become free of oppression and illusion.
We will give the opportunity to many of you to literally experience your rivals’ life for a few brief moments. You will be able, if you wish to try this exercise, to feel and hear what those you have little regards for are experiencing. This has for aim to bring a little more humility during these confrontational days ahead.
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the victims of the STASI were allowed to view their own records and to meet with the ones who have literally ruined their lives at times. The country has going through these major transformational changes, and the same process is about to unfold world wide, for you all with the help of divine powers and advanced technology. You will be able to have access to your own Akashic records and the records of the ones who have injured you in previous lives.
This will be a very emotional time unfolding during the weekend for many of you, so please ensure to be kind to yourself and to those with you during the coming week.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and send my continuous love to Mother Earth and to her inhabitants as the light is constantly increasing its intensity. We are always by your side, you are never alone. The love of our Creator is always by your side, as well as your guardian angels and protectors. We always keep you in our heart and admire your courage for all eternity.
Thank you
Channeler: Laura/ Multidimensional Ocean