
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Zeta Movie 2 : Signs Of The Times full length Earth Changes and the Pole Shift


Nibiru and the Impending Pole Shift

 "Planet Earth is showing Signs of a pending Pole Shift, a global cataclysm brought forth by the re-arrival of Nibiru, a planet from ancient Sumerian myths.

World powers know about the pending destruction, but are not announcing it, in order to take advantage of the Common Man's ignorance... "

This video is based on the the vast ammount of information being relayed by the Zetas and their outstanding accuracy.

Find more information about the Pole Shift, Safe-Locations and life afterwards here: ( based on ZetaTalk as well)

planet Earth is showing Signs of a pending Pole Shift, a global cataclysm brought forth by the re arrival of Nibiru, a planet from ancient Sumerian myths.

world powers know about the pending destruction, but are not announcing it, in order to take advantage of the Common Man's ignorance...

Made by Andrew Veresay