
Monday, September 3, 2012

Lord Metatron :Mayian Calendar - The Crystal Skulls -The Earth Data Bse Server Max........

Metatron Cosmos

 The 13een Crystall Skulls
Lord Metatron :Mayian Calendar - The Crystal Skulls -The Earth Data Bse Server Max........

 We wish you to know that the remarkable calendar that you currently refer to as 'Mayan', was not developed nor originally written by the Mayans in the manner that you suppose. It predated the Mayans by more than 18,000 years. It was originally developed by the enlightened Atlanteans of Poseida with assistance from the Sirian/Pleiadean Alliance, and stored by means of crystalline technology, termed 'the Crystal Skulls'.
Even your more creative anthropologist considers that the earliest Mayan society only began around 2,000 BC. We assure you the calendar was in place and effect, in a much more expansive format, long before the Mayan society came into existence. What you now refer to as the Mayan calendar is but a small remnant of what pre-existed the Mayans.

The area inhabited by the predecessors of the Mayans in the Yucatan area of Mexico and Guatemala was connected by a land bridge to the Atlantean island of Poseida before the quakes and the final deluge of Atlantis submerged it. Highly technically advanced cultures from Atlantis inhabited Central America and Egypt long before the final demise of Atlantis. The Central American, South America (OG) and Egyptian colonies and cultures emerged from and were one with the highly spiritual Atlanteans of the 'Law of One' for many millennia before the destruction of Atlantis.

These societies contained within them an élite and highly advanced group of what might be termed 'scientist/ priests'. These sages of the Atla-Ra were highly adept at the science of mind over matter. These Masters operated through mental physics and operated in full consciousness in countless subtle degrees of multidimensionality.

So while the untrained masses of humanity in the era of Atlantis lacked such skills, and indeed utilised land bridges and other less advanced forms of transport to and from the colonies of Atlantis, Og, Yucatan and Egypt, the inner circle of scientist/priests had the means to etherically bi-locate and physically manifest - not just on Earth, but also universally and galactically. They interacted with the extraterrestrials of the Pleiadean/Sirian Alliance, and were the original source of the cyclic calendar you presently term 'Mayan'.

Small enclaves of these scientist/priests flourished for millennia after the deluge, and retained the knowledge of the calendar as well as the supervision of the construction of the various pyramids, with assistance from the afore-mentioned extraterrestrials.

Yet these scientist/priests did not represent the society of the Mayans as a whole. That is why the Mayans are an enigma to you today. Some of the accomplishments attributed to them reveal great technical advancement, and yet the society as a whole was vastly campestral and given to unseemly ceremonies involving human sacrifice and other aberrations under ruthless misaligned dictatorships.

So it follows that the scientist/priests of OG, Yucatan, Egypt and other 'forgotten' cultures before and after them, understood both the science of mental physics and had knowledge of astronomy and dimensional cycles. Only those of adept and austere initiate traditions and societies knew this, although very little evidence of any significance remains today, and what does remain is not recognised nor is as yet truly understood. The 'Mayan' priests did indeed re-write & interpret the pre existing calendars (to a certain degree) in order to make them more applicable, more understandable for the society of their era. Thus the symbolgy in the surviving calendars, you see?
Written portions of the original Atla-Ra calendar, which became known

as 'the Mayan calendar', were lost, not only because of the depredations of

time, but were further dissipated by various interpretations, since it was first brought into the lands of the Yucatan. The full information is still retained within the 13th Crystal Skull, known as 'Max'.

There are Halls of Records yet to be found that contain vast stores of information, including world histories. Although Edgar spoke of these as being in three separate locations, and predicted that they would be revealed prior to the new millennium, they have still not yet been discovered.

The comprehensive records of Atlantis are contained in holographic data recorded within 'Max'. Yet the retrieval technology of this data is not yet available to you. In the future you will develop crystalline receivers that are capable of playing back in 3-dimensional holograms the data therein, but this advance lies some way ahead.

Just as you now store information in computers through digital files, and

no longer transcribe lengthy text on paper, the Atlantean historians stored such information using crystal technology. Max is of Pleiadean and Arcturan construct and origin. He is a vast consciousness, akin to a super computer, with a huge library of data contained therein. He is the most powerful, most conscious of all of the remaining ancient crystal skulls.

Within Max are the complete records of not only the original Mayan calendar, but the complete history of the Earth and of humanity - and beyond. The original crystal skulls came from another world, another reality. They are the prototype of perfect human consciousness, the perfection of the human being, encompassing all his aspects and potentialities. That was their prime purpose, and why they were brought here.

Originally the crystalline skulls were brought to Earth from Arcturus and the Pleiades, and to the land that became LeMuria, but the original model arrived before the planet was fully in polarity. It was brought into the planet at the time of the Firmament you see, in a zero point Earth, a non-magnetic plane we will say. In an Earthen World that knew perfection, that was inhabited by an androgynous manifestation of Etheric Spirit in full consciousness.

Yet even then it was already known that the Firmament would fall, would dissolve, and the plan then was that this model, this extraordinary holographic record, the original crystal skull, would serve as the prototype of this initial integral aspect. And so it contains within it the model of the 12 strands of DNA, the fully-conscious mind and being of the evolved human.

The crystal skulls contain within them all that you were before the human experiment, and all that you will be when you complete it, the infinity circle.

They were manifested into form above and beyond physicality, and have been brought into physicality at various times. As such, no true age can be assigned to them, because they have appeared, disappeared and reappeared many times in the millions of years of Earth's habitation by mankind.

Max is not of the Earth. His origin is the Pleiades, but his construction was more of the Arcturian Crystal Masters.


Obviously the Mayans knew that their own society would decline and disappear. How did they protect their knowledge, and where did they go when their civilisation started to dissolve?

Archangel Metatron:

As already stated, the full records are available in the 13th, via Max. Max is

an extraterrestrial Crystal Skull, a vast conscious crystal computer, and was/is

the 'living data archive' used for storage of the complete information of

the calendar. There are other such libraries, but Max is the only one on the Earth plane at present in the 'cranium format'. The crystal skulls contain within them that which you were before the human experiment, and what you will be when you complete it - the infinity circle.

The Atlanteans worked with the original crystals skulls, the most important

of which, the 13th, contains the full energy of the other 12, and was safe- guarded by the High Priest of the Mayans.

The 13th skull not only gave access to the higher dimensions, it was an

incomparable source of information and data relevant to the Mayans, as it contained information regarding the complete calendar, the complete map of the Cosmos as related to Sirius, Orion, Pleiades, Arcturus and beyond. It also contained the Laws of Physics for each dimension, and the cyclic codes.

This conscious recorder, the crystalline cranium, is an immense databank
Read more.....

James Tyberonn