
Tuesday, July 31, 2012


....What will bring chaos is coming to create the light.....
Lord Metatron


Master Zarathustra)

.............During  my lifetimes i,ve seen many civilisations Distoyed.It seems that the distruction ,of the matterial world pulls the trigger for the chifting of conciousness to hjgher levels of existanse.Master Zarathustra)


Metatron says....
Peace will prevail. What will bring chaos is coming to create the light, although it will not be understood. It will be dramatic and conditions will be difficult to accept, but it is needed to delete the deceptions and control of dark cabals.

No love is greater than the love God has for humanity and their ways of learning and growing, but what has happened to your world needs to be corrected; not in one complete collapse, but in different occurrences that come as needed. When all is done, the world will be One and love will answer all your concerns.


Michael says....

It is time, dear ones, for us to begin correcting all of the damage that has been done. It seems a daunting and perhaps impossible task, but we assure you it is not.
The better you are able to do this, the easier these next days will be. Strife, lack, fear, unworthiness, and separation, among others, must and will become teaching aids which are no longer necessary, to be laid down and never used again. Love yourselves for leaving that schoolyard at last and moving on to a life where you are able to learn without endlessly repeating painful experience.

It was your need of learning the one most important lesson of all which kept you here for so long. Everything else depended from your assumption that you were separated from your Creator and each other.

There is, at present, much confusion about what is occurring now. Some is planted intentionally, and some is the result of overblown expectations. We advise keeping one’s expectations in check and focusing on what you are able to control yourself. In this way, you will never be disappointed. There is immense reason to be excited now both by what is happening inside of, and outside of, you. Simply encourage the first and observe the last and you will not be discouraged in the least.


Master S.Germain says.....

. More consciousness in the human has not been proven yet—only those who are able to meditate and discover their divine aspect can live the life of an aware human. Those who consider their computer or TV more attention worthy than their own inner awareness are not actually living—they are observing. Check in to observe what your inner content contains. Are you denying your caring, aware master within? Are you alive in demonstrating mastery


Arch.Michael says.....
Packing nothing for where you are going will give you a great answer about readiness. Can money and clothing be given away? Not until you get the call, and then, not until the call has been completed. None of your material things will mean anything in another dimension of consciousness. Are you caught in them now?
from Masters and Mankind Blog

Grow out of the controllers' control by laughing at all that appears dark. Clear out all disturbance in any area of concern. No details matter. Free yourself and assist others to be free also.
from Masters and Mankind Blog

Archangel Ariel says . . .

After the winter of this year many countries will give out detoxifying emissions for their grasp at ongoing existence. These will appear as ground dramas, air conditions that do not allow any chilly demographics to be cold or any hot areas to be hot. All of the continents' temperatures can be altered quite quickly without any warning. As this occurs, the water around the continents will also change their temperature and many of your alternative conditions will not be available. For example, drought will come to forests and their growth diminishes, and in the deserts climate change will cause more growth to begin.

from Masters and Mankind Blog