
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Mass Arrests - Drake - Cobra -:Cleaning The Planet from the Cabal.

The Pentagon wants this information to go viral
Maine Republic
Email Alert
“. . . if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for battle?” — I Corinthians 14:8 —
. . . that I should bear witness unto the truth.” — John 18:33 // David E. Robinson, Publisher
wikipedia states:
The Burning of Washington in 1814
was an armed conflict during the War of
1812 between the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Ireland and the United
States of America.
On August 24, 1814, led by General
Robert Ross, a British force occupied
Washington, D.C. and set fire to many
public buildings following the American
defeat at the Battle of Bladensburg.
The facilities of the U.S. government,
including the White House and U.S.
Capitol, were largely destroyed.[3]
The British commander’s orders to
burn only public buildings and strict
British discipline among its troops are
credited with preserving the city’s private
This was the only time since the
Revolutionary War that a foreign power
captured and occupied the United States
Background information
Many have already heard of the
abnormally large number of arrests and
resignations of officials in banking, money
funds, investment houses, insurance
companies, and governments throughout
the world that have taken place since
September 2011.
What Americans have not known is
that a huge operation is about to take
place in the United States. In order to
comprehend why we have heard nothing
of this event, we must understand that
the major newspaper and television media
is very tightly controlled by the dark cabal
or Illuminati. It is the Illuminati who intend
to establish the New World Order by
killing off huge segments of the planet’s
population and enslaving the rest.
These are the persons who will be
arrested and removed to a location where
they can perpetuate no more harm, and
for their protection before being brought
to trial
Before you stop reading and refuse
to take 3 hours of your time to listen to
the audio listed below, you need to
consider: Do I want to know what is about
to happen? Do I as a parent, minister,
news reporter, teacher, or citizen want to
remain ignorant of what is ready to take
place that will impact every phase of my
life and that of my family and community?
Much preparation is and has taken
place behind the scenes to prepare for
the forthcoming mass arrests of top
officials of corporations and government.
As you will hear on the audio, the
Pentagon had already drawn up The Plan
for such an event by around 1979. The
legal preparation is in place. Extremely
detailed planning has the goal of
disrupting the general public and the
activities that make up our lives as little
as possible. However there will be a few
days—hopefully not weeks—in which
services may be disrupted.
During the actual mass arrests, a
period of up to 72 hours (3 days) will
involve the closing of our borders and the
shutting off of satellites. This will be
required to prevent escape of those to be
This is the period for which we need
to be prepared. We will be given 24 hours
notice in advance.
In order to prepare the American
people, the Pentagon recently asked a
former Vietnam veteran who has been
involved in the legal preparations to go
on the radio and internet and explain
what is about to happen. This veteran is
going by the name of ‘Drake’.
The below YouTube is an interview of
Drake by David Wilcock, who also has
high level insider information
In the interview, Drake will explain the
legal preparation done by average citizens
in a majority of the states that allows this
event to take place in accordance with
our nation’s founding documents. This
event will remove the major obstacles to
a far better life for all Americans and
eventually for all on the planet.
You owe it to yourself, your family, and
to those to whom you minister to listen
carefully to all three hours of valuable
information. People who have no idea
what has really been going on in America
will be shocked and angry to hear all that
has been done to them. As many of us
as possible can greatly alleviate this
shock by letting them know of this event
and that the end result will be a much
better world for all.
The Pentagon is also asking that all
of us help to publicize the information we
hear on this audio. Public panic will
prolong the procedure and violence of any
kind will do the same. We the people
need to be in the know and to peacefully
assist in any way we can—spreading the
word being a major avenue of assistance.
The goal is that this event is peaceful,
with no violence.
Please send the URL below to all you
know and to your local media. Ministers,
you have access to large numbers of
people. We are speaking of the
resurrection of our nation. I beg of you to
listen and help prepare your congregations.
David Wilcock’s website – here you may
find a series of very important and
explosive articles mentioned in the
interview. These articles offer you an
excellent background for what is about
to happen.