
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Message from the Ashtar Command 6/20/12 '2012: Opportunity Through Challenge’

Message from the Ashtar Command 6/20/12 '2012: Opportunity Through Challenge’
We, your higher dimensional friends and family from the Ashtar Command, speak to you at this time in love and in service to our Creator of this glorious universe. We do not speak to you at this time for our own purposes, only to serve our Creator and to serve you, our brothers and sisters. What we receive from all of this is to discover for ourselves just what we are made of and what we are capable of accomplishing when we together set out to achieve certain goals and certain results through the manifestation of our creative thoughts and creative efforts. This is what lies at the heart of this entire enterprise and why we are all here at this time on this small planet far from the central sun of this galaxy which is far from the central sun of this universe. 
 There will come a day, and it will not be long now especially in light of how long you all have been on your particular journeys, that all the secrets and all the particulars of our purpose for being here will be fully revealed to you, and then there will come a day when you will fully remember that it was you and it was we together who planned everything that you are currently experiencing, whether it be a positive or negative experience, as all experience will bring about for you lessons that will help you discover your higher purpose and your higher self, and that is the ultimate goal of your mission, to discover who it is you truly are and what lies at the heart of the being you have always been. 
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