
Thursday, June 28, 2012

• Green Light! Mass Arrests of Criminal Cabal Will Now Commence!

Mass Arrests Will Now Commence!

They have left barely a stone unturned in their pursuit of total control and domination of your countries and every citizen within them. They were not planning on stopping their assault until every human alive was made their prisoner. This is how they think. These are the thought processes of those who currently control your world on a daily basis. They do not know decency, for they do not understand decency. They do not understand love, charity, mercy, kindness, forgiveness or empathy. They do not know the meaning of these words. These words are foreign to them, and so are the emotional expressions that accompany them, for they do not possess the same inner strings as you do and therefore these notes cannot be plucked no matter how hard one tries to teach them the music, for they cannot hear the music and they will never willingly dance to it.

Pentagon and military insider Drake has announced, tonight 6/27/12 at approximately 8:30PM, that the long anticipated green light has been given and the military and law enforcement alliance known to the people as the 'Earth Allies' will now move in within a time frame of 72 hours to begin the world wide sweep and mass arrests of thousands of members and associates of the criminal organization known as the 'cabal'. For those unfamiliar with this action, these arrests will free, once and for all, all of humanity from their dark captures who have conspired to bankrupt, sicken and finally imprison every human being on the planet.

All citizens are advised to pick up a week or so worth of food, water and all necessary provisions as some store closures and utility outages are possible. All citizens are also advised to withdraw from their financial institutions enough cash to last at least a week, and preferably up to three weeks, as certain banks are expected to close their doors, rendering credit and debit cards useless for at least a certain period of time. All citizens are advised to remain calm and within a centered emotional state. All citizens are strongly urged not to riot or engage in any violent actions of any kind.

Military units and law enforcement personnel will be witnessed making these arrests throughout the United States as well as in some other parts of the world, and all are advised to understand that these men and women are working in service to their brothers and sisters, to freedom, to constitutional government and to love. These military and law enforcement units are not moving in to arrest the citizens of their respective countries as some media outlets may erroneously report in the early stages of this far ranging operation. These units are engaging in the arrests of the members of the criminal cabal and their many associates, that is all. 
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