
Sunday, April 1, 2012


Do know that NO ONE will suffer from the consequences. A new financial system is already in place. It is NOT the BRICS one you are reading about. There is a higher evolved group that has put this one together. They are based in Switzerland at the moment. NO ONE knows about them. Not even Ben Fulford. So don’t worry about whether his system will work or any of the others that are being talked about on this site or that site. Forget the chatter. All those folks are still operating from ego. Yes, they DO have inside information. Yes, most of it IS correct. But the final solution is still extremely top secret. It will be unveiled soon…after all governing houses are thoroughly cleaned.
For those of you hanging on Ben Fulford’s word about everything, please stop and think about it. Why would a group of nations who still have cabalist minions working for them be told of ANY new financial system? This is not to discredit Ben in any way. He does great work. He has been monumental in this shift. And his information about countries/nations in alliance with one another and supporting the BRICS new financial system is not incorrect. They are doing that. They are working on it. But their “solutions” are still very 3D and set in the old ways. Don’t waste any of your energy thinking about it or worrying about it. Think of it as a “decoy.” It’s not the real plan.
Now, recently, Archangel Michael has been channeled by two different reliable sources – his twin flame Ariel DeAngelis and Ron Head – as Ashtar Sheran of the Ashtar Command telling you that their restrictions for helping the people of Earth have been lifted and all systems for both Ashtar Command and Galactic Federation of Light are GO. And that is what is happening now. Ground crews are on the move, making arrests and containing military movement in all countries. Do NOT worry about things you have been reading from your still corrupt media such as “Martial Law.”