
Monday, April 23, 2012


com/archive/Deatra_Freedom-Reigns/2012-0… **********
MESSAGE from Drake:
I have been requested/asked to contact everyone I know, now it is your turn.
Because of the many places that can be hit by the bad guys, I have been asked IF you all would like to help out?
IF so, there are several things that are needed.
1- Deploying scouts as best you can. These need to have radio com to someone who is listening. Yes, cell phones are ok, but if a cell tower goes, the phone is worthless…a radio is suggested.
Infrastructure is The target.
-With enough eyes, any funny business can be seen, reported, and the militia can be back up. Unless, it is obvious that those acting funny are a demo team.
Then a quick deployment is critical. At the same time as you deploy, be sure the local Sheriff/law enforcement is notified AND that a group of you are enroute and will meet up with them or effect action.
2- You may be asked to secure certain places, power substations, etc. You will be contacted, most likely by a field officer in this event. A local patrol or other standing military…
3- See if one of you can obtain a military band radio. This will allow you to know what is going on and respond accordingly…
I am hoping that this is a peaceful event, BUT I would expect everyone to be ready in case it is not.
I am posting this to all groups I have contact with.
A Blogger’s comment:
Optimistically, we will have to wait only a few days from this post; pessimistically, we may have to wait unti mid-May for the arrests to commence.
I personally think that the sooner, the better, as any additional delays just gives the bastards more time for tactical positioning to create chaos (like blowing up bridges, infrastructure, etc) while they go down fighting to the bitter end.

The Federal Reserve was given a Notice of Lien on April 11th; they have 10 days with which to respond to the lien, so now, as of today, April 22nd, as far as I know, they have failed to respond.
The Notice of Lien was done under Common Law, as far as I know, so there is no color-of-law process that can stop this process, other than the application of FORCE by the barrel of guns.
So that gives a green light for additional, specific moves to be made now against the Fed, but I cannot say what next moves will be.

I cannot say publicly about whether or not the arrests will be en-masse, or to be one at a time. I’d prefer the en-masse model.
I would prepare ASAP, if I were you, to:
1) Keep your vehicle gas tanks topped off at all times.
2) Most of you are well-stocked with food, so you’ll be fine.
3) Get in touch with ham radio operators locally — they may be needed if local communications infrastructure is hit.
4) Stay calm and appreciate that decisive moves are being made to defeat the elite.
5) The vast majority of infrastructure — power grid, etc — will be fine.
6) Those of you who are in big cities — your calmness, alertness and information to help the confused masses may go a long ways in helping things out. So try to find ways to connect with people locally and help them out.
This applies world-wide, not just in America.

April 22, 2012

Here is the recording of today’s show on Freedom Reigns:…**********
MESSAGE from Drake:

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