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Saturday, July 20, 2019

Creator: How Our Universe Began, and The Invasion from Omarrhan

Creator: How Our Universe Began, and The Invasion from Omarrhan

Ok, here we go.  Take a deep breath and come with me.  I have something to show you that will take your breath away.  I want you to find a comfortable place to sit while you read this, where you can remain in meditation afterward to continue the journey with me.  If that is not possible at this moment, then make an appointment for us to meet later in the day, and I will accompany you then as well.  There is no limit to my ability to meet with you, to reassure and teach you.  It is only up to you to call on me.
Now, we are going to take a trip around the Universe - the Universe that is my home and yours.  It is true that a few of you have come from other Universes to be here with us during this monumental time.  We are making history together, in terms of our Universe and all others as well.  Let me tell you how this came about.
We are not the oldest Universe of our kind.  There was another nearby Universe which was under development when I came along - that is, when I came into being as the child/creation of the One.  I was taught about Creation by witnessing the building of that Universe, which I will refer to as Omarrhan.  I saw how intricately the beings, planets and stars are intertwined with one another, and I saw how one tiny mistake on the part of the Creator could explode into chaos.  Such a mistake could lead to the necessity of dissolving the entire Creation, dispersing into nothingness the trillions of years of effort and dedication of the Creator and his/her dedicated team.
It was about the time that Omarrhan began to experience trouble that One encouraged me to begin my own Universe-building, and so began the work of Creation that is my beloved Universe.  I began with galaxies which would contain beautiful planets, stars of magnificent brightness and power, and vast inner space which I filled with the essence of my Love.  It was only after billions of years as you measure it in Earth time that I began to create the first living souls of Light which would eventually inhabit the planets I had made for them.  First, I created groups of planets, like your solar system, so that each living planet soul would have loving company as they danced in their rhythmic motion around their glowing sun, the great light-body which would be their central pivot point.
It was a great delight giving birth to the Lightbeings who are my children - those souls who, after billions of years of training would become my assistants in creation, and who would eventually disperse across the galaxies to create loving families of planets and stars, with some variations, but generally along the lines of my original designs. There were as yet no living organisms in bodies on or within the planets.  Only the planets and stars themselves were inhabited by my soul children.
Eventually, we began the great project which was the creation of individual bodies.  My children were interested in producing their own progeny, for they loved each other and our glorious Universe, and they wanted to create races of beings for their soul children to inhabit, thereby increasing their opportunity for greater experience and Love.  Now I will help you to envision what the process of Creation really is, and how we created this beautiful Universe and all that is in it.
You are not unfamiliar with some of the elements of creation, of course.  Anyone who has chosen a partner and you have decided together to have a child - you know how thrilling it is to be consciously, purposefully involved in the act of creation.  This is the way every child should be conceived, with Love and with intention.  This is the way we created every living thing in the Universe - with loving intention.
As many of you know, there are many races of humanoid beings across your Universe, as there are in other Universes.  Those of us who are the Prime Creators are like brothers and sisters, the loving children of One, the first-born who would become the teachers and mentors of those who would come after.  Picture in your mind's eye the interconnected energies which flow between and among the group consciousness which is the family of Creators. As our numbers grew, we welcomed our new brothers and sisters the way a family celebrates the birth of a new baby.
Our Universes move and expand, breathing with the essence of Life. Each Universe has its own quality and character, instilled by the Creator whose hand shaped it, but all follow the same Universal Laws, use the same sacred geometry and the same laws of physics which your scientists are just beginning to discover.  Just as each of you paints your living room a different shade, so we are attracted to slightly different sounds, shapes and colors.  It was thrilling to look forward to the creative inspiration of having a new Creator among us, and to envision together the fabulous possibilities that lay before us.
How can I paint the picture for you as vividly as I see it?  You have seen the photographs from NASA, from satellites and so forth.  The colors of the palette we have used is breathtaking, endlessly varied, and far more beautiful than you can discern from the small photographs you have been given.  As I look across the expanses that are my Home, I am struck, always, with the nostalgia of seeing the Divine objects and beings that have come into being under my watchful and loving eye.
No, I did not create every insect, every flower and every animal that moves across the surface of your planet and others, but I did carefully supervise the formulas used, the electro-chemical process which is ignited when two or more souls meld their intention, passion and love, and I have been present at the birth of every soul.  You see, the creation of the physical forms is a very different process from the creation of a soul.  A soul is an eternal, everlasting Light body with a unique identity and is a living part of All That Is.  A body, on the other hand, is an impermanent vessel which is designed to offer the soul a flexible alternative for visiting lower realms - dimensions of a lower vibration than the one in which they were born.
Initially, there were just a few of my children who joined me in the process of Creation, for this is not the only activity available for beings in our Universe, as you know.  Their brothers and sisters explored far and wide in their Light bodies, even sometimes traveling to neighboring Universes to study and exchange ideas with their cosmic cousins.  This fertile exchange led to many new species, many new options for ecosystems which could be created to support the growing numbers of species of flora and fauna we were developing to "house" the souls who had a wide-ranging curiosity and taste for adventure.
Perhaps you can see the picture I see, of my beloved children, many of whom became the Ascended Masters who are helping you with your ascension and who have become so familiar to you in recent years.  We still continue to work as a close and loving team, as you have noticed in the way we bring our messages to you, weaving our story as individual voices within the Unity consciousness of One.  It is the great pleasure of my heart to see my children, and their children, all the many souls now inhabiting your planet and others in your galaxy, as they evolve and grow, preparing for the great Ascension which is to come.
As I have begun to show you, the creation of souls has been the particular arena in which I had full oversight and command, and as such, full responsibility for the creation and nurturing of every soul within our Universe.  It is the fulfillment of my being, my destiny, to do so, with unending Love.  The creation of form - bodies - was the realm of all those who wished to learn, experiment and take part in the great expansion of species who were to pave the way for the coming humanoid races, which were among the last forms we created and placed among their fellow inhabitants on the first planets to welcome human-like species.
An example of this is your own Milky Way Galaxy.  It was created under the supervision of the ones you call Mother and Father God, my beloved children, in preparation for the earlier races of humans who inhabited planets in the systems of the Pleiades, Sirius and those who came from the older Andromeda galaxy.  Out of these developing civilizations came the experiment in this galaxy which was to become the human race as you know yourselves now.  I have described in earlier messages how the older civilizations contributed their DNA, with my full approval and under my supervision, to create the race which is the fullest embodiment of who I AM, in the essence of my being.  Of course, this is a bit of a paradox, since I do not have a body.
This project - the creation of humankind - was not an ego trip or a reckless adventure, for I have none of those impulses within my own being - they are a temporary effect of your carbon-based body experience in lower dimensions.  As you rise up the ladder of vibration, these impulses melt away, but in lower dimensional conditions, these anomalies can cause real difficulties for the inhabitants of the bodies that are subject to such feelings.
This brings us to the anomaly which has puzzled so many of you.  How is it possible that there can be dark ones - genetically modified Reptilians, greys, Draconians, and all those you have called the dark Anunnaki, who have caused havoc in what appears to you to be the entire Universe.  I will tell you how this began, and why it has continued as a problem, especially within your Milky Way Galaxy.
I mentioned the Omarrhan Universe earlier.  It was the creation of my older soul brother, Rondar, as we came to call him.  Rondar was daring and experimental in his approach to Creation.  He gave much latitude to his soul children to develop bodies of every form and kind, which provided a rich and varied environment on many of the planets in his Universe.  In the lower dimensions there were animals and plants of every type imaginable, with every possible natural luxury for the beings who descended to enjoy the feasts of luscious fruits and vegetables, flowing waters, and endless sunshine, flowers and warmth.  It was truly a Paradise for all.
Although Rondar reveled in his glorious manifestation of Love, it became a topic of concern for his children that the absolute perfection of his 3-dimensional creation did not offer for its inhabitants any means by which to develop a greater connection with One; in fact, it seemed to draw them away from their higher vibrational Selves, downward into the sensory pleasures of the lower dimensional existence.  In other words, they liked it a little too much, and were reluctant to return for further experience in the higher realms.
And so it was decided in the Councils that just a bit of unpleasantness might spur their abilities to appreciate and remain connected to their Creator - to focus their attention, you might say.  It was decided that the Masters would develop a few insects which would inflict a slightly painful sting, and a few reptiles whose bite would cause sickness, just enough to prevent the myriad inhabitants of this Paradise from becoming lethargic and indolent. The inhabitants were made aware, in their higher dimensional sojourns, of the change which was to occur, but it did not dampen their wish to return.
As time passed, further experiments in genetic engineering continued, and took on a rather daring turn about the time We were developing human-type beings who showed great promise in their abilities to create on their own.  They were talented scientists and inventors, and were very adept at using the energies of the Universe to their own convenience, developing floating and soaring spacecraft, and energy sources which could provide for all the needs of those beings in lower dimensions, like housing, food, and schools to train and educate the young in The True Way, which is Love.
We were aware of the Omarrhan situation, and were seeing the possibility for similar stagnancy in our own worlds, but were uneasy with the solution, which was being called "bringing in the darkness" in hopes of awakening Light.  It made sense from a certain perspective, but seemed risky, since it was our policy to remain as overseers and guides, but not to interfere with the behavior and unfolding of the evolution of those species we had created.  At the same time, civilizations were developing on Omarrhan which had very advanced technologies, including spacecraft which could carry the lower dimensional beings great distances (higher dimensional beings have no need for spacecraft, although it is a great convenience when they wish to carry equipment or materials between planets or galaxies).
It was only a matter of time, so to speak, before the experiment went awry, and a number of the lower dimensional species became fascinated with the idea of experiencing the curiosity of seeing the effect of darkness on themselves and others.  It was only a small step then, to learning how to avoid their Creators, turn their backs on One, and set out on their own to experiment on others.  This was the first "Fall" from Grace, and it spread rapidly across the Universe, to the many planets where indolence, a problem in the lower dimensions, had made the embodied beings of high intelligence restless and ripe for a new kind of excitement.
Within a few generations, impulses toward destructiveness and the wish to control and dominate others took root and began to flourish, until the entire lower dimensions, up to the lower 5th dimension, became a nightmarish arena filled with pestilence, war, and devastation.  Weaponry was developed which threatened the safety of higher dimensions, as later happened on your Earth.
With many species of intelligent beings taking part in the melee, and alliances building to create a powerful military force, it was decided that to allow "the experiment" to continue would be too dangerous for the entire Multiiverse, and that the only possible resolution would be to offer amnesty to those who were willing to return to the Light, or suffer dissolution.
It was not announced that the intention was to destroy the entire Universe, but there was no way to resolve the problem without risk to the rest of the Multiverse.  All souls were welcomed back into higher dimensions, but all physical creation was dissolved back into One.  However, a number of the dark ones