Supposedly any leader who finds himself at
the highest level of glory and position of and authority, is there for one reason.To have a better view of the problems, needs, and desires, dreams and visions of his people,in
order to manifest his own vision,policies and practices for his people wellfare and living conditions. Not the other way round .
That,s the difference bettween democracy and tyrrany!
In democracy the leaders try their best to break the chains of any kind of physical or
spiritual slavery of their people,and create conditions of political and social liberty.
To abandon or desolv any kind of delusions or self- delusions.
In covered tyranny or monkey
democracy,the liberties and freedom of people,is sacrificed in the temple of
ADVERSITY, sophistry,and spiritual
alchemy, greed, lure of power,by
“For things to reveal themselves to us, we need to be ready to abandon our views about them.” ~ Thích Nhất Hạnh