..What is happening or taking place in your country or my country or enybody,s country,

By Anna Von Reitz
..[ "I'm sorry, but there's been a mistake. You don't represent me. You are my employee and any presumption that I gave you my proxy to just do whatever you want to do without regard for me and my needs and my desires and my security and the good of my State of the Union is mistaken, too. " ..]
Scrutiny is what you want. The more scrutiny, the better.
Shout the truth from the mountaintops. Explain it to the local police. Button-hole your local attorney. Tell your pastor the facts. Make sure that everyone knows and knows where you stand, too. Tell the State of State Congressional Delegation. Fire them for cause. I did.
They didn't ever represent me before and they sure don't now. Might as well write them a little letter and say it, right?
"I'm sorry, but there's been a mistake. You don't represent me. You are my employee and any presumption that I gave you my proxy to just do whatever you want to do without regard for me and my needs and my desires and my security and the good of my State of the Union is mistaken, too. "
Ask yourself --- why would any American be afraid to declare their political status as an American?
is a mirror reflection of what is really taking place within the Mitropolis of Gotham or the headquarters of the global network, established by the invisible,hidden forces that were.
which can be defined,as the controll network of human slavery.
through time,to penetrate as intrutors,and hijacked all centers of power,globally.
Globalisation of the banking institutions,and control of the global financial system,was one
of the major operations of the dark forces.
As Q states in his latest posts,the rubbit hole,is much deeper than can anybody
Against Fear
By Anna Von Reitz
..[ "I'm sorry, but there's been a mistake. You don't represent me. You are my employee and any presumption that I gave you my proxy to just do whatever you want to do without regard for me and my needs and my desires and my security and the good of my State of the Union is mistaken, too. " ..]
Scrutiny is what you want. The more scrutiny, the better.
Shout the truth from the mountaintops. Explain it to the local police. Button-hole your local attorney. Tell your pastor the facts. Make sure that everyone knows and knows where you stand, too. Tell the State of State Congressional Delegation. Fire them for cause. I did.
They didn't ever represent me before and they sure don't now. Might as well write them a little letter and say it, right?
"I'm sorry, but there's been a mistake. You don't represent me. You are my employee and any presumption that I gave you my proxy to just do whatever you want to do without regard for me and my needs and my desires and my security and the good of my State of the Union is mistaken, too. "
Ask yourself --- why would any American be afraid to declare their political status as an American?