It is easy to turn on your computer, read an article, misinterpret it, and then “report” on it, from a misinformed point of personal view. Such reporting creates a ripple effect and triggers all those trolls and agents of the dark who have been working for a long time to stain Cobra’s impeccable image. To all those who are spreading baseless accusations toward Cobra’s work and therefore consciously or unconsciously serving as vessels of the dark, I respectfully ask, before you keep writing more nonsense, to reach out to some of the hundreds of witnesses of people from all over the world who attended the recent Taipei, Taiwan Cobra Conference, who gathered together in Love, to rebute all those unfounded and absurd claims!

Important Cobra Announcement

Recently, certain well-known websites and individuals within the awakened community have made claims that somehow Cobra’s blog, has been hijacked and that he has been cloned and/or replaced by agents of the dark. These reports falsely state that Cobra’s blog is being written by Artificial Intelligence (AI) or a reptilian, the Cabal or an illuminati operative. Or someone or something. Nothing could be further from the truth!
We are in Taipei, Taiwan with Cobra
I, Edward Morgan, your humble servant and one of the contributors at , am, at this very moment, sitting in a room, with Cobra himself and with a small group of the most dedicated and powerful Light warriors on the face of our beautiful planet. We are chanting powerful mantras that are making some of us cry. The love and dedication that Cobra is showing to all those present, all whom have made the effort to come to Taipei, Taiwan, to his conference, is most humbling!
I am a physical living witness of Cobra’s 2018 Taipei weekend conference, which started on May 12, 2018 and which is still going on as I write this. I can report in clear conscience that Cobra has NOT been cloned, that he is still the same dedicated, gentle, humble and tireless individual, fully dedicated to the total Victory Of The Light! I, with many other committed workers of the light who have personally known Cobra for a long time, who are currently present in his conference, can vouch for this.
We Will Soon Meet our Cosmic Brothers and Sisters
To all those who have decided to participate in this Cobra-attacks drama, I have this to say: Every one of us has known for a long time that at some point in our human journey we would face our cosmic brothers and sisters. We all know by now that it is part of our individual soul journey to eventually meet our soul families who also reside beyond this Earthly realm. This is what First Contact is, and Cobra is just starting to release information to emotionally and mentally prepare the surface population for this experience and future First Contact encounters.
Positive First Contact has always been and will be, until the moment of the Event, a “free will, personal and intimate” positive experience. The message relayed recently by Cobra, in his post titled “Entry Protocols,” at has unfortunately been misinterpreted and maliciously twisted by many within the last few days. This message serves as an introduction to all those advanced souls who are ready and who have made the conscious decision and choice to experience first contact. This invitation has only been extended to those who do not have “family commitments.” This doesn’t mean that you must be single or that couples can’t go, but simply that extensive “family commitments” would make such an opportunity difficult for you.
We Have Come Together in Love at the Taipei Cobra Conference
It is easy to turn on your computer, read an article, misinterpret it, and then “report” on it, from a misinformed point of personal view. Such reporting creates a ripple effect and triggers all those trolls and agents of the dark who have been working for a long time to stain Cobra’s impeccable image. To all those who are spreading baseless accusations toward Cobra’s work and therefore consciously or unconsciously serving as vessels of the dark, I respectfully ask, before you keep writing more nonsense, to reach out to some of the hundreds of witnesses of people from all over the world who attended the recent Taipei, Taiwan Cobra Conference, who gathered together in Love, to rebute all those unfounded and absurd claims!
Thank you.
Victory Of The Light!