Seraphin Message 335:
Through Rosie, 4th May, 2018
Emotional, spiritual (and as a consequence, physical) paralysis is rife on your planet, and just as YOU COLLECTIVELY come to a standstill, so must the planet – the bearer of all life – also come to a standstill, simply because IT IS TOO MUCH TO BEAR AND SHE REQUIRES A PAUSE, A PERIOD OF CLEANSING AND RENEWAL, resulting in NEW ENERGY TO START UP AGAIN.
Poisonous, repugnant and profane activities have been nurtured and extended until they have become highly organized circles of vice. At the same time, sacred activities involving altruism, wonder of and connection to THE GREAT CREATION DIVINE have been systematically infiltrated without the majority noticing, and have been destroyed from within and without, resulting in ever-diminishing circles of fearful, weakened and saddened “saints”, meaning those with high principles, altruistic motives and purity of heart.
It is this scenario of extremes in which you find yourselves. You may, so far, have wandered through life without discovering either camp – the extreme evil and the extreme good – and this is proof of the efficiency of the destruction and derailing process – resulting in the quashing of lighted forces and the furtive spreading of iniquity.
So many have been successfully “kept in the dark” and continue blithely along narrow paths, demonstrating patterns of behavior which they consider normal but which actually violate Cosmic Law. The majority are not even aware that Cosmic Law exists – another sign that evil forces have triumphed SO FAR. Thus has TOTAL MANIPULATION (and also TOTAL IGNORANCE) been enabled on your planet.
Those few who do delve into the hundreds and thousands of “cans of worms” (and yes, they are there if you take the time to investigate) expose themselves to material so horrifying that their reactions are quite understandable. They may recoil in fright. They may become extremely angry. They may be deeply saddened. They may descend into apathy or they may become “paralysed”. Yet others will scoff and laugh and label such material as “conspiracy theories” (a term which has been placed into the public realm by the dark to specifically catch these doubters and to turn them away from the truth).
And yet others will research further, connect the dots, build up their knowledge and discuss with like minds. This is not an easy journey, yet it is the path which leads to survival in the sense that KNOWING YOUR ADVERSARY and KNOWING THE ROOTS OF A PROBLEM IS NECESSARY IN ORDER TO FULLY RESOLVE THE PROBLEM. Without this insight, all attempts to correct will be lukewarm, inefficient and superficial, although you may be convinced that they are solid and effective, AND THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THE DARK SIDE WISHES YOU TO BELIEVE.
Yet others will turn away, heartbroken. We love you for this, yet to dwell too long in emotional valleys is to let the adversary continue. We urge all planetary inhabitants at this time to SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH, despite inner and outer turmoil, so that you finally are able to free yourselves from your self-made shackles and from those who would imprison you, control you and harm you, even to the extent of planetary extinction if they cannot have their way.
In these recent messages we are presenting you with a short precis of THE STATE OF THE WORLD as we see it, in order that you may see more clearly and in order that you may convey your acquired truth to others. Seraphin.