The White House mafia bosses that have come after Daddy Bush have all kowtowed to George senior as though he were King George of England. His deep cover C. I. A. leadership role in the assassination of J.F.K. has been thoroughly exposed as has his fleecing of the U.S.S.R. via his C.I.A. covert activities, the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan, the Iran/Contra Scandal, the attacks on 911, and many, many other crimes that the corrupt FBI, DOJ, and Congress has refused to honestly investigate and swiftly prosecute.
They thought their evil would outlast We the People. But the Bush-Obama-Clinton criminal cartel has failed. Time is on our side, not theirs. Their entrenched and corrupt bureaucracies, agencies, and covert operations will be exposed, scaled back, defunded, and shut down over Trump’s eight years in office. The criminals will age, wither, and die, leaving only the carcass of their sins to be judged by history and a far higher power than our own.
We need to continue to educate and enlighten those around us so that we can keep up the daily momentum in destroying George H. W. Bush’s New World Order. We need to continue to stay focused on the dismantling agenda below:
The Anonymous Patriots are impressed with the work Trump has already done in dismantling the New World Order. One mighty presidential action after the next is leaving the globalists crying and trying to pick up the pieces of their shattered plans.
Trump is “not their president” and he is messing up the entire system that has been developing since 1913 when the Fed made its bid to “take over the Republic” via international bankers, brokers, and warlords.
Since the founding of the United Nations (League of Nations), international elites have been fighting to take over the flow of money in America. The United Nations almost supplanted the U. S. Congress when George H. W. Bush went to war with Iraq with only a U. N. Resolution to back his private oil war. The U. S. Congress did not vote to go to war either time in Iraq or the many other countries Bush, Clinton, and Obama have bombed, and subsequently fleeced.
President Obama ignored the U. S. Constitution as he bombed seven countries without a declaration of war or even the support of the U. S. Congress or the United Nations. Two million dead and 55 million refugees later, Europe is invaded by the refugees created by Obama and Hillary Clinton. These wars will not be easy to get out of, but Trump is doing a great job removing America from these White House sponsored, terrorist attacks on other sovereign nations.
There is no need to repeat the horrifying crimes and treason committed by the Bush/Clinton/Obama mafia families that are coming to light in the news every day. All the other living presidents hate Trump because their fake “good names” in the corporate propaganda media are coming unraveled. Each day, news arises of the blatant corruption, greed, and lawlessness of the former U. S. presidents and their cronies.
Now that our bucket-list of wishes is almost empty, perhaps we should take our corrupt former presidents and put them in the bucket and take them out with the trash – where they belong – and say good-bye to the their dream of the New World Order.
End all climate control efforts: geo-engineering, chemtrails, HAARP, microwave transmissions, etc.
Start a moratorium on all genetic manipulation, growing of clones for embryos, stem cell recovery programs.
Stop the protection of big tobacco and abolish the use of the most powerful narcotic in existence – nicotine.
End all refugee programs in America until we end hunger in America for our own citizens.
Stop giving U. S. tax dollars to universities unless each American citizen can get a free college education. End foreign student enrollment in American public universities. End sports as a part of university education. Universities should be completely free to all state residents.
Allow no one who has worked for the CIA or FBI to hold public office after they have left those agencies.
End the illegal Federal Department of Education and re-establish the state’s right to administer education. End the Common Core curriculum movement and teach civics to students so that they know how their government runs. Trump is currently dismantling the U. S. Department of Education.
Repeal the Patriot Act (U. S. Freedom Act) and all Obama executive orders that take civil rights from Americans.
End all off-shore banking, tax havens, and other methods of stealing American money without paying taxes.
End all bombing of foreign countries and remove any troop deployments that are not fully sanctioned by the U. S. Congress.
Take away the Catholic Church’s tax-exempt status for the crimes its priests have inflicted upon children and others. Seize all Catholic assets in America and distribute the funds to the many, many victims whose cases have not been heard. End all formal ties with the Vatican or any of its affiliates.
Create non-aggression agreements with China, Russia, and all other nuclear nations.End nuclear proliferation and dismantle all weapons of mass destruction.
End Planned Parenthood abortions and the use of fetal tissue, embryo harvesting and other inhumane practices concerning birth.
End Big Pharma’s control of U. S. citizens by mandatory immunizations.
End covert U. S. military terrorism throughout the world through the CIA utilizing the 662 U. S. military bases in foreign nations.