The political leaders continue to spread poison into the world, and the overwhelming part shows no insight.
It is therefore a question of abandoning comfort and of placing itself at the service of the "great cause." It is time for you to manifest the world you want; and you manifest it by entering into it visibly.
Refrain from your laziness, and be without fear, for to him who devotes himself entirely to his commandments, to him who boldly places himself to life, to him is Heaven.
The days are getting shorter and new events that change the face of the world are building up.
While the great part of mankind denies upheavals and can be further determined alien, a specific number of people awakens and we reach the critical point.
Today, I direct your undivided attention to keeping you away from all hate.
from your heart, transform every envy and blot out the jealousy in you.
Hate, envy and jealousy destroy every revolution and hinder any spiritual development.
In a time when hate is omnipresent, where envy issues and jealousies are broken or eradicated in the most intimate family and friendships, you should deliberately deal with these phenomena and resolve any resonance to these energy fields.
Repel any hatred in your hearts, transform the slightest trace of envy or jealousy, and turn away from all the excesses that the global transformation entails.
Build the new humanity, now that the people who are concerned are destroying themselves.
Generates the energy field of compassion, kindness and love without denying the energy fields of hate, envy and jealousy.
Ask yourself: How can I be dissuaded from the bright path, from bright thoughts, words and works? Then, devote yourself to these themes, and close to the old world and its harmful manifestations that blinded mankind to the light of God and deaf to the voice of God.
Those who have redeemed their great themes are now called upon to dissolve their existing human conditioning.
We are in times of great upheavals and large discharges. Hate seems omnipresent ..., and here begins your mission! You should train the consciousness so far that you can also forgive those people who are suffering you and be free from hate.
the light warrior is described therein. He who has completely transformed his hate, and has no longer been bound by any conditions, has passed.
Only through this inner refinement of your hearts will the revolts, which are now breaking up and the end of time, lead to a good result, and karmic consequences can be done with whatever you are compelled to do.
If a fight is necessary, no one can run away forever, but everyone can be free from hate and leave the battlefield free from hatred.
is freed from hatred, and the new humanity will consist only of such people.
It is precisely this way that the powers of the darkness of humanity want to block. As long as it is possible, you should be kept away from this awakening experience, the "maturity test" of your consciousness.
The effects are serious, because people who are no longer able to hate create a new reality solely by their presence on this planet.
Do not fall into the trap of the Dark Mages of the End Time, and you will encounter the hate with your hatred.
Understand that you are to take up this struggle with new tools and that you should never reward the same with the same.
So I invite you to redeem your still existing hate in your future meditations. Then you are ready for your heavenly missions and then you are ready to give people a living example; and they will derive the greatest benefit from your wisdom, goodness, and love.
It is the time when everything is at the same time. It is the time in which every human being is to recognize on his own account, whereby the chaff can be separated from the wheat, and how this matrix can be overcome.
I tell you, your consciousness is the key.
Everything is in your self, and your will sets everything on the road. At any time, you can revoke your "contracts with this matrix", at any time you can start a new life, and at any time you can enjoy the power of your mind, the beauty of your soul and the breadth of your heart: by recognizing your divine origin as reality and yours earthly homeland - with all rising and degrading phenomena - as an illusion.
Nothing exerts more influence on a man than his divine spirit, his heavenly soul, and his heart soaked in love. If you leave yourself entirely to this holy Trinity, the stream of life flows from your heart into the world.
It's your choice! On which side do you want to stand before you return to the unit? What energy do you prefer?
I'm with you.