..* The darkest our is before the dawn *..
The title of this post is inspired by the latest article of our spiritual friend,author and founder of Stankov's Universal Law Press
Georgi Stankov,- Miracle – We Have Survived Another Year!
In relation to the above is worth to mention an old story bettween a master and his adept.The adept asked his master:
_ why master does the evil exists?Did God created evil?
_M:On this plane-field of experience- God set the stage,the parameters,limits and limitations,but He didn,t created evil!
_A:Master you are not unsewring my qustion.Dit God created evil?
_M: In a way and beyond our perception,evil is in service to the good!...but God didnt created evil.He created the potensials,but not evil itself!!Mind is the goodness or evil,s producer.If there is no mind bearers,there is neither good or evil!
The best way you may perceive the essense of good,is by comparing with the essense of evil,the light with darkness,the beauty with ugliness,the rightdoing with wrongdoing,the blessing with the curse the temporary with the eternal etc...
The one exists because of the other....if one is missing,there is nothing to perceive!All these pairs of opposites,consists the Kinghtom of Mayia or the illusional ( unreal ) reality of this plane.
In realities where life and death,birth and rebirth is the physical norm,there is no easy way or hard way.There are only challenges.
Whereas the faulse realities are in a continuous falling apart,and death is the hunter (Castanetta ),there are no outside lights for quidance,except our own light,which serves as the only quide to keep one in the path,and overcome any challenge.
This flame or burning fire is the gift from The Father,and as long we keep this flame alive,we may see and perceive everything as a blessing.Since this flame is getting lower or is off,then all events and happenings are transformed and perceived as a curse!
The worriors of the first and last ours,are the first ones came in on this plane,and they are the creators of this field of experience,but not the ones of the nowdays faulse reality,which
is mostly created after is been hidjacked by the Brotherhood of the left hand after the fall of Atlantis.
These worriors are also the creators of the new reality.The dreamers of the new world of tomorrow.
We may have in mind that ...The Darkest times are before the dawn...