Follower : Is somebody who is following his devine conciousness,
and his God within,AND NOBODY ELSE.
Denial : The one who followes the path of separation from the Oneness,and is faithfull to the adversaries.
Excerpts from Message from the Light Reading
on October 28th
FOR GRACE, ARCHANGEL METATRONExcerpts from Message from the Light Reading
on October 28th
Light penetrates Darkness
....Today everything obeys the wakeup call
from the Source of All-That-Is.
...Long ago you have taken up regency, because your Light cannot be overlooked and penetrates any imperfection. The alchemical process, whereby everything is transmuted from one condition into another and is being refined, is fully ongoing. ...
...Whatever wanted to stay away from transformation or wanted to remain unchangeable, you accept in love and will be left behind in a world, where the ignorant ones can experience themselves as ignorant.

...For that you no longer have an assignment, for that there is
no longer a service and no duty. What you have come for, clearly appears and becomes more and
more obvious: to carry the Light without looking around, regardless
of who and how many want to remain behind or want to follow you.
..Be aware: your consciousness is the gate to freedom
and your vibration is the portal to eternal Life. ...
Read Full Message...
*Phodos added