During the event in Korea which I knew before hand but still had 3DD stuck in my own head... I taught of the coming evacuation at my lecture.

The reversal will be started FIRST very slowly and then as people become aware... the first to know will probably be those with GPS on their cars... the evacuation of the planet will occur. This will be allotted several hours, at least four in I assume day and night depending on where people live.

There will be NO 3DD.. it is not relevant after evacuation.... once the planet is evacuated it will be put in stasis and they will pick up anybody else that was supposed to evacuate and did not. Then the reversal.. axis shift and all that will occur. We will be off this world estimated 2 to 6 months depending... Those returning to the planet will receive education as necessary during that time period and everyone going elsewhere will be transported away. We may live underground or partly so after the return.... some may return underground to provide some assistance during the preparation for return....