What is happening nowdays, is an action plan by design.This plan is motivated by greed and manifested through distruction.The objective target is to exercise the ultimate control on mankind,and therefore taking in their hands the faith and destiny of Humanity.Nothing is happening by coincedence.If it looks so,be sure that it was planned to look so!Within the modern cannibalistic financial system,the element of destruction is planned to be inherent,and activated periodically through time,in order not to loose the controll on all aspects of human life,and secure and safeguard once again,their wealth and power.
Fear is the fundamental manipulating istrument for controlling human behaviour,and keep people in a state of physical ,mental,and spiritual slavery.If you wand to consider yourself as a master then you may have people as slaves.!!
That,s why the neo-cons ,the banksters,and the criminal mafia syndigate,invated into the core of the EEU,and hidjacked long ago all the financial and banking institutions.!!
“When the gradient in a system begins to decline, an equivalent but opposite in direction gradient is automatically built. When the first gradient reaches zero, the opposite gradient reaches its maximal value.”
The financial black hole, which the dark cabal are building for humanity since long time in order to establish the NWO can no longer be controlled by themselves. Once set in motion, it devours the very foundation on which humanity exists. When the energy of the Orion order will be entirely sucked by the current financial black hole of trillions and quadrillions of worthless derivatives and gargantuan national debt of the western countries, as this is illustrated with Greece now, then this black hole will turn in the blink of an eye into the white hole of our ascension supernova.
The Care and Feeding of a Financial Black Hole
Dmitri Orlov, ClubOrlov, June 30, 2015

Fear is the fundamental manipulating istrument for controlling human behaviour,and keep people in a state of physical ,mental,and spiritual slavery.If you wand to consider yourself as a master then you may have people as slaves.!!
That,s why the neo-cons ,the banksters,and the criminal mafia syndigate,invated into the core of the EEU,and hidjacked long ago all the financial and banking institutions.!!
“When the gradient in a system begins to decline, an equivalent but opposite in direction gradient is automatically built. When the first gradient reaches zero, the opposite gradient reaches its maximal value.”
The financial black hole, which the dark cabal are building for humanity since long time in order to establish the NWO can no longer be controlled by themselves. Once set in motion, it devours the very foundation on which humanity exists. When the energy of the Orion order will be entirely sucked by the current financial black hole of trillions and quadrillions of worthless derivatives and gargantuan national debt of the western countries, as this is illustrated with Greece now, then this black hole will turn in the blink of an eye into the white hole of our ascension supernova.
The Care and Feeding of a Financial Black Hole
Dmitri Orlov, ClubOrlov, June 30, 2015

...*In the United States, so far the black hole has been sucking in individual families (although it does sometimes suck in entire cities, like Detroit, Michigan, or Bakersfield, California, or Camden, New Jersey). With the help of the fraudulent mortgage racket, it sucks in houses, and spits them out again encumbered with bad debt. With the help of the medical industry, it sucks in sick people and spits them out again, bankrupt. With the help of the higher education racket, it sucks in hopeful young people, and spits them out as graduates, with worthless degrees and saddled with mountainous student debt. With the help of the military-industrial complex, it sucks in just about anything and spits out corpses, invalids, environmental damage, terrorists and global instability. And so on.
But the black hole can also suck in entire countries. Right now it’s busy trying to suck in Greece, but it’s having a hard time with it, because Greece is, of all things, a democracy. This has the black hole’s puppets in quite a state at the moment, and starting to clamor for “regime change” in Greece, so that Greece can be made to capitulate before the black hole gets hungry.
Back to the real world: the poor puppets are unable to understand that there is no military option when it comes to Russia: it’s a nuclear power with an excellent strategic deterrent, a well-defended territory, and no aggressive intentions against anyone. But the puppets, with their warped minds, cannot see that, and so they pile various kinds of obsolete military junk along Russia’s borders, and are even threatening to bring into Europe the entirely obsolete Pershing medium-range nuclear missiles. They are obsolete because the Russians now have the S-300 system with which to shoot them all down. The military option just isn’t going to work, but don’t tell that to the puppets—they cannot absorb such information without sustaining further neurological damage.
Back to Greece: tiny Greece certainly isn’t mighty Russia, but it nevertheless refused to capitulate to the demands of the black hole. It was asked to completely wreck its society and its economy as a condition for maintaining its financial lifelines from the IMF and the ECB. Most inconveniently for the black hole and its puppets, Greece is not some obscure “third world” country peopled by dark-skinned people you wouldn’t want your daughter to marry, but a European nation that is the cradle of European civilization and democracy. Greece managed to elect a government that tried to negotiate in good faith, but the puppets don’t negotiate—they demand, threaten and cause damage until they get their way—or until their heads explode....*
This one will be interesting to watch. If the black hole does succeed in sucking in Greece, then which country is next? Will it be Italy, Spain or Portugal? And, as that process continues, at what point will enough people say that enough is enough? Because when they do, the black hole will shrivel up. It’s not a real black hole that’s made up of incredibly dense matter—so dense that its gravitational field traps even light. It’s a fake black hole, made up of everyone’s combined greed. It has greed at its core, and fear all around it, and it sustains itself by feeding on fear. If it can continue sucking in people, families and entire countries, it can keep the greed at its core alive, but if it can’t, then the greed will also turn to fear, and it will shrivel up and die. And I hope that when it dies all of its brain-damaged puppets will snap out of it, realize how deluded they have been, and go find something useful to do—farm sheep, grow vegetables, dig for clams…*