Just Hours Away From Nuclear War, America Remains Asleep
March 22, 2015
In 2012, the esteemed American-born author Eric Margolis published an article titled Thirteen Days That Shook the World – and Nearly Ended It about the Cuban Missile Crisis.The Cuban Missile Crisis, of course, was the 13-day confrontation in October 1962 between the United States and the Soviet Union over Soviet ballistic missiles deployed in Cuba. It played out in newspapers and on television worldwide and was the closest the Cold War came to escalating into a full-scale nuclear war.
To how terrifyingly close the world came to nuclear war in 1962 was finally learned when Thomas Blanton (then director of the US National Security Archive) revealed in 2002 that “a guy called Vasili Arkhipov saved the world”
Blanton was referring to the Soviet Navy Captain Vasili Arkhipov, who, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, courageously refused an order to launch a nuclear-torpedo against a US aircraft carrier. An act, which should have it occurred, would have started World War III, because, as Margolis points out in his 2012 article, once the Americans invaded Cuba (which a nuclear-torpedo attack against the USS Roosevelt would have assured), Soviet troops there were authorized to use 100 tactical nuclear weapons against the US invading force and their bases in South Florida.
Now the importance to people today knowing about these historical events is more critical than ever because those “13 Days That Shook The World” are now upon us all again…but with a stark “hidden difference”.
And that” hidden difference”, between then and now, is where in 1962, the American people were allowed to know the grave danger their nation was facing should nuclear war erupt, today they are not being told anything but lies by their rulers. After all, these US rulers believe, “The American people allowed us to monstrously lie to them so we could invade Iraq, so who cares what they think now?”
But is that true? Of course NOT! The TRUTH is much simpler, if the American people were allowed to know what is happening in their name they’d rise up in mass and say NO!
Here’s the problem though, with the US mainstream media having been turned into nothing more than the propaganda arm of the government, banks and corporations, the ability of anyone being able to get through to the American people and warn them about what’s happening is nearly all but destroyed.
Even worse, as the Snowden Documents revealed, and in the words of Glen Greenwald published last February (2014), “One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how western intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction.”
Using the US governments own top secret documents released by Snowden [see them HERE] proving their objectives, we can read their own words of what they are doing against the American people as they themselves state their purpose is to: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable.
Now please ask yourself this simple question: “What kind of government would deliberately spend billions of dollars to destroy the reputations, and manipulate online discourse, of those who attempt to tell people the truth?”
Then ask, “What kind of press establishment allows the government to do this without being challenged?”
Your answers to these two questions can only lead to one conclusion…both your government, and your mainstream press, consider YOU to be the enemy.
We, on the other hand, not only do not see you as an enemy…we see each and everyone of you as being a remarkable being of God…worthy of knowing how to not only how to handle the truth, but being able to know the difference between truth and lies.
That’s why on 24 February 2014 we published the report titled Putin Orders Troops To Crimea Passes, Warns NATO Of War.
Like all Sorcha Faal reports though, this report was immediately attacked by US government intelligence operatives (exactly as the Snowden documents confirmed they would do) thus not allowing those Americans needing the truth time to prepare should the worst happen.
Unlike the US government or the mainstream press we believed, like we always do, that YOU had a right to know the truth. And in this particular case? Well, just this past Sunday, President Putin revealed to his nation that Russia prepared for nuclear war after last year’s pro-Western putsch on February 21-22 in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev….we warned YOU two days later.
Likewise, last weekend when the US mainstream press was all a flutter over the “disappearance” of Putin with articles suggesting he had been deposed, his girlfriend was having a baby in Switzerland, he was sick and near death, etc., we published our report Russia Warns “State Of War” Exists As UK Nukes Prepare First Strike wherein we stated that Putin was “under the protection of Ministry of Defense”.
After being under the protection of his Ministry of Defense for 10 days, Putin reemerged into the public this past Monday (16 March) and launched the largest military combat operations in Russia’s history since World War II…and we reported that to you in our report Moscow Bomb Shelters Begin To Fill As Russia Prepares For War.
In our 15 March report, Obama Meets With Top Russian Spy, Warns He Can’t Stop War, we also informed you that President Obama had over the past 11 months met with Russia’s top two spies who the US had not put on their sanctions list like the EU did, including the director of the FSB just last month met with Obama in the White House.