Sananda, Sanat and Gabriel: The Cabal Departs This Week!

..Now let me tell you of the monumental developments on Earth. Many of you are aware from our radio call and from last week's message that there was an unprecedented attack by the cabal on our negotiating team, as we were on our way to the table to work out a plan of peace in which the cabal leaders, all of whom are now in human bodies, and who were being offered various terms of amnesty, if they were willing to relinquish their hold on Earth.
The repercussions were swift and severe. Source demanded an end to all negotiations and declared the finish to free will participation on Earth by anyone who remains in allegiance to the dark. We were taken to recover, and our Kathryn was put on "life support" until her Higher Self could be completely repaired and healed. You see, we can share our life energy by entering a body in need of support, in the case of injury or illness to either the body or the soul. And so, we were all ministered to with the greatest love by our Archangels and by the skilled Arcturian team who specialize in this kind of work. We have all recovered nicely, and are more committed than ever to completing this precious mission
The dark ones were given one week to decide to come to the Light or be dissolved. During this time they will be under close surveillance by all the angels so they can't meet to plan revenge attacks, they can't communicate with each other, their transportation off the planet has been stopped by the Ashtar Command, and they have no access to the tunnels where we created high vibration Light energy. True, there are a few places we may not have reached, but the majority of their stronghold has been "cleansed."
We have sentinels everywhere watching their movements. Many have already agreed to work with us, so we have "double agents" who understand that they will all be dissolved if they do not follow orders from Source. This time they stepped over the line so blatantly that there is no return.

Perhaps we will have a celebration during the Wednesday radio show next week. We are now already three days into the week they were given. We gave them until Wednesday, and using the convenient radio show time to announce their final departure, we said 8 pm EST. We will be announcing the end of all who have aligned with the dark and their rule on Planet Earth.
Indeed we are not joking. It takes a lot to rouse Source, but he was outraged that they tried to kill us on our way to the negotiating table. The decision is final and irrevocable.
The Rockefellers have been wavering a bit toward feelings of curiosity, in spite of some regret and nostalgia for the old days, and several of them are likely to relent. They also feel the pull of the younger ones, who have removed themselves from the hidebound restrictions of American royalty to join environmental and social movements their parents only pretended to give lip service to.
Today, the elder Rothchild gave up the fight and agreed to go to the Light. He will spend as much time in the Light Chambers and in the retraining and rehumanizing courses as needed. No dark one will be returned to life on the surface without a complete change of heart. We do not mean a change of expression, or a temporary change of attitude. We want to reassure you that we are not fooled by clever acting. We see the deep change in a soul and in a heart when a person truly awakens to feelings of Love, gratitude and reverence. There is no fakery permitted in Ascension School.
We are having similar results with the English crown and the Vatican. The Brits are so used to pretending magnanimous feelings, and the newest wave of genuine feeling with the birth of a new generation has awakened stirrings even among the most mannered and practiced hypocrites.
*All phodos added.
Sananda Kumara

The attack of the assasins with plasma scalar weappons
..Now let me tell you of the monumental developments on Earth. Many of you are aware from our radio call and from last week's message that there was an unprecedented attack by the cabal on our negotiating team, as we were on our way to the table to work out a plan of peace in which the cabal leaders, all of whom are now in human bodies, and who were being offered various terms of amnesty, if they were willing to relinquish their hold on Earth.
The repercussions were swift and severe. Source demanded an end to all negotiations and declared the finish to free will participation on Earth by anyone who remains in allegiance to the dark. We were taken to recover, and our Kathryn was put on "life support" until her Higher Self could be completely repaired and healed. You see, we can share our life energy by entering a body in need of support, in the case of injury or illness to either the body or the soul. And so, we were all ministered to with the greatest love by our Archangels and by the skilled Arcturian team who specialize in this kind of work. We have all recovered nicely, and are more committed than ever to completing this precious mission
The arrest of the assasins
We have sentinels everywhere watching their movements. Many have already agreed to work with us, so we have "double agents" who understand that they will all be dissolved if they do not follow orders from Source. This time they stepped over the line so blatantly that there is no return.

Perhaps we will have a celebration during the Wednesday radio show next week. We are now already three days into the week they were given. We gave them until Wednesday, and using the convenient radio show time to announce their final departure, we said 8 pm EST. We will be announcing the end of all who have aligned with the dark and their rule on Planet Earth.
Indeed we are not joking. It takes a lot to rouse Source, but he was outraged that they tried to kill us on our way to the negotiating table. The decision is final and irrevocable.
The Rockefellers have been wavering a bit toward feelings of curiosity, in spite of some regret and nostalgia for the old days, and several of them are likely to relent. They also feel the pull of the younger ones, who have removed themselves from the hidebound restrictions of American royalty to join environmental and social movements their parents only pretended to give lip service to.
Today, the elder Rothchild gave up the fight and agreed to go to the Light. He will spend as much time in the Light Chambers and in the retraining and rehumanizing courses as needed. No dark one will be returned to life on the surface without a complete change of heart. We do not mean a change of expression, or a temporary change of attitude. We want to reassure you that we are not fooled by clever acting. We see the deep change in a soul and in a heart when a person truly awakens to feelings of Love, gratitude and reverence. There is no fakery permitted in Ascension School.
We are having similar results with the English crown and the Vatican. The Brits are so used to pretending magnanimous feelings, and the newest wave of genuine feeling with the birth of a new generation has awakened stirrings even among the most mannered and practiced hypocrites.
*All phodos added.