Solution :Definition
Answer(s) suggested or implemented to try and solve a question or problem. A solution can be either simple or complex and may require few resources or many resources.
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If a solution is not giving answers,or is not solving a problem,or is complecating,or is adding, additional negative factors or values,to the existing basic problem,then the solution offered is not the right one.
Financial decisions motivated by political ambitious,of economic and political control by certain elites,are destined to fail,maybe dramatically,leading to a financial turmoil,and to a complete socioeconomic chaos.
These decisions have no economic background,or are not based on certain economic principles,which existed for long time, as established by certainTheorist(Keyns,Samuelson etc),within the western financial system.
All Hell Is Now Breaking Loose In Europe!
With the ECB now shutting off direct funds to Greece, today one of the greats in the business warned King World News that all hell is now breaking loose in Europe. He also warned that the situation is spiraling out of control and deteriorating quite rapidly.
“There are no contingency plans in the eurozone to deal with the possibility of a Greek default and exit from the euro system.
One of the things that’s starting to happen in Europe is you are seeing these splinter political parties gaining power. We’ve seen it in Greece. We are seeing it in Spain. We are also seeing it in France. There is now an open rebellion against Brussels.
All Hell Is Now Breaking Loose In Europe
So all hell is now breaking loose in Europe and the Greek situation is just feeding into the rebellion happening elsewhere
The Matrix Is Real & How It Will Change All Of Our Lives

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts gives readers a terrifying look at the real Matrix and how it will change all of our lives , as the world prepares to descend into total chaos
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In the purity of the intention, a service to people one, is free of any ego attachments; this can be clearly recognized in purified human Beings!
Thereby the greatest deceptions happen today whereby many individuals cannot distinguish “right” from “wrong”, “good” from “evil” and “light” from “dark”.
Few can make miracles.
Many can move mountains.
If they believe that they are doing the right thing.