Esu Emmanuel Sananda Kumara
Esu speaks on Revenge, Responsibility, and Redemption
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Let's begin. I chose Easter to speak of these things because it is a day-Easter Day-dedicated to my crucifixion and my resurrection. This is an event that has tipped the world's spiritual thinking. Nothing happened that was different from many other, similar executions, but my purpose and my act of redemption though it has colored religious thinking since that time.
The events told and re-told have unfortunately been a catalyst for man's perception of blame and revenge. Man is quick in assigning guilt and passionate in seeking to right the perceived wrongs. Numerous belief systems have sprung up to defend one group after another's view of my situation. Religious groups have been formed because of that event, and wars have been fought to argue the rightness of one group's perception of those events over another's. I was crucified in error, and any numbers of other political or religious groups were at fault-or so the historians and writers of religious interpretations argue.
My reasons for following through with the act are considered only marginally, if at all. Man's own view of my execution and his perception of what it means are ultimately more important in his thinking than even my perception. This individual's view of his own spiritual existence is of more concern; it is more important that his ration of spiritual acknowledgement be larger than others.
Man's view of others and his actions against them often has religious superiority at their core. One person's individual perceptions are morally better and the political behavior of groups-however brutal or demeaning-is absolved because of its spiritual approval. Religion was created to empower.
In essence, the act of my crucifixion was one of me taking responsibility. I used it to assume the responsibility for all of creation. I chose to create this example knowingly. Living in a society that understood the symbol of sacrifice, I consciously became the image of that method of redemption. Man needed a visible demonstration of spiritual commitment, and I provided one for him, knowing it would morph into symbolism that would re-direct man's spiritual thinking.
Man had turned his back on his Creator and was ignoring the truth that was available to him. His sin was not one of breaking cultural taboos-it was choosing to disregard the nature of his existence. Man was forgetting or knowingly disregarding the spiritual truths his Creator had provided for him. Once man had made his choice, he had had to experience its results; the state of the world at that time was the outcome. Even with my regret, I had allowed this creation to progress to that point.
As the physical embodiment of the Creator on Earth, I became my own scapegoat and accepted the blame for allowing man to turn to darkness. I showed man a supreme example by assuming the responsibility for all of my Creation. This was an inclusive responsibility. Everything was part of my responsibility because I was in everything. I was taking full charge of changing its direction, and my visible action showed my commitment.
The act of redemption that is spoken of on Easter was in actuality my commitment to being responsible. Just as I was responsible for the nature of my creation, so man is responsible for himself and everyone he is connected to as part of his own creation. Being responsible means remembering he is part of this connection whenever a decision is made. Maintaining alignment with the Creator means discernment and a balance with all. Redemption for man means honoring this connection with every choice and through each determined action. Man must continually take charge of his own redemption-just as he must continually remember his connection to every other part of my Creation.
Forgetting this connection is dishonoring man's place as a part of Creation. Turning against others-for whatever reason-is irresponsible. Consciously seeking out this conflict is sin and dissociates one from the connectedness of Creation and the Creator.
Use this Day of Resurrection to impress on your thinking that you are just as responsible for the state of your creation as Christ was at the time of his crucifixion. It is your life you are creating, and it is your responsibility, not someone else's. You decide how it is shaped and how you interact with everyone else. You determine the extent it honors the Creator's plan. You redeem your existence by the extent of your commitment to it.