By Ute
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Beloved Friends!
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012 |
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Beloved Friends!
We can do all kinds of spiritual
practices. We can work with our body-mind to develop qualities, such as
gratefulness, forgiveness, equanimity, kindness, and so on. We can mindfully
build shields around our body-mind or open
willfully our chacras, inside and below and above our body, we can use Sacred
Geometry and construct the Merkabah. We can just be very busy, stressing the
mind and our visions. Or we can worship Gods, Angels, Higher Dimensional Beings,
we can work with Breath and the energies of Planetary Beings.
But when we are using the quality of
Love it seems that it is a Teacher we
need ultimately to surrender to. We cannot construct Love with our mind, but we
can ignite a spark in our heart, that is waiting in every human heart to be
awakened to become a flame.
This flame can burn when suddenly
shared or united with another being, it does not need to be a human being, it
can be an animal or a tree, a flower, anything that exists, even a stone,
because EVERYTHING is alive, the whole creation is alive, everything that
exists is alive, walls and buildings, elements, landscapes, mountains. It all
is living and breathing consciousness.
When we share this special .....
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