1.Archons & Their Agenda
2.The Darkness That Comes Before
(The first book in the Prince of Nothing series)
(The first book in the Prince of Nothing series)
1.The Federal Bank of America belongs to Private Bunkers.!
2.Central Bank of England....Rochilds Family & Co !
3.Europian Central Bank.......Rochilds Family &Co !
When some Europian Leaders are suggesting the Instidution of A Eropian Central Bank,that means,
that so far there is no Europian BANK !
The member countries facing the depts problems,are negotiating with private Bankers,about the terms
of the loans,if they agreed uppon ,they get the money!!
Therefore,the welfare or enslavement of these countries,and their people,
lies on private individuals,who, they have their own Agendas!
It seems that,some Europian Leaders,although,are elected by the people,
they became servants of these individuals,and their agendas, instead !!
---Some people is suggesting,that there is a secret triangle,within the elites,
of U.S, England,and Germany.---
It is not for us to verify or to deny. Although everything is subjected,to subseguent valitation or
negation,anybody can gets his own conclusions,by watching,what these administrations are
doing,in respect of solving the proplems created,because of the Depts crisis issue.
It is written a lot about the dept crisis,and the fact that the majority of people,is getting poorer and poorer.At the other end some people of the <elite>,at the same time,are becoming multibillioners,because of the crisis!
The model of the <Wild West> economic development,was suggested by the american economist Jefrey Sachs,and it was applied in Russia,during Geltzin administration.
The objective darkets of this development model:
1.Complete free labour conditions,and free open market economy.
2.Privatisation of all public bussiness sectors.
3.Reduce of all public expenditures,for social services and walfare.
This model created or devited society in to tow gategories of people.
a.The multibillioners.and
b.The poverty or near poverty,majority of the people,almost left without hopes or expectations,
no money,no jobs,no homes.
This <genius> economist,apologised in a latter stage to the Russian people,but it was to late.
Looking deeper into the depts issue,which now is for the most developed countries,the biggest
financial proplem,looks like a well organised plan,from the<elites>,to take everything from the people:
Money,jops,bussines,homes,hopes and expectations either for to-day or tomorrow.
Politicians and other decision making, power centers,are using the same PRESCRIPTION for saving the sick economies .By taking everything from the people,they are destined to prodect,and supposely to fight for their wellfare.!
It seems that is not any more,a matter of insufficiency and incabability.It is more a problem of corruption and fear,most of them been trapted,< within the eye of the darkness >.
They started having fears for their lives and their families,either from their masters,or by the
people,s mistrust.
The importand guestion which arise,out of these - cucoos-nest- policies and behaviours,
is only one:Does anybody takes anything from someone,who has nothing,or left with nothing??
During the times of the reuinion of the East Germany with the West Germany,another very succesfull model of development,was applied,for solving the proplems arised,because of the different levels
of the economy,on each state,and these could or should be taken into consideration:
1.Zero bussiness taxation,for small-medium enterprises,
2.Investment-loan plans for small-medium bussiness,giving motives to midle-class people to start their own bussiness,and
3.Increase of salaries and wadges of all emploees in East Germany,for ingreasing consumers ability,
and purchase potencials.
The above measures,proved to be very-very succesfull for the benefit of the people,in both parts
of Germany,those times.
INFORM.about West and East Germany:Handelsblatt newsp.