My dear ones. Today's message will address the deceptive collection of drama creators who are not light. My name will be frequently used to discredit my accurate channel. When my name is used by the deceivers, they use it as a statement of their own making.
My name has never been anything other than Comte de Saint Germain. No other name comes with my energy. Violino was not my name in any country or category of heart energy in any dimension. This deceiver is making another claim to have my chelas' attention, but not a very clever one. Send him packing.
Those who claim my name often have controller agendas, causing doubt about my authentic advice. Always ask "Is this Christ consciousness?" and get a clear "Yes." When the dark tries to disguise an answer, anything besides the word "Yes" is devious. Check with your own Higher Self before continuing to read messages. Only delaying an instant to do this can avoid mental confusion. Many deceivers are doing the little game of using my name to assure you of untruthful comments. No clones are on this terra to replace the cabal, no landings have occurred, and no government officials are in communication with me.
Can you accept that what comes without any option for anything you can do to improve or change the consciousness of readers is from the controllers? Please observe this difference in the channelings you are delivered. Wanting others to fix things is not an Ascension candidate's consciousness. Ownership of your own divinity is what must alleviate these current dynamics.
When we of the Great White Brotherhood ask for your assistance it is due to the fact that choice is on your side of the veil and we must always respect that. Politics does not control anything but the cabal's ability to choose in your stead. No direct contact with any government is now in an active mode—only you can do this. You are divine creators. Up the light quotient and create more de-light in your lives. Ascend the dark and light dynamics.
When we communicate disasters coming we want you to delete them with your love. Giving, caring, meditating, choosing nothing that is out of harmony with nature, etc. can actively alter many of these. When we call on you to act like a Master we want you to manifest with your decrees. As a Master, call on the God within you to lead the way—always. No Master expects "others" to be their savior. Choose Mastery over fear and hope.