U.S. Officials: Russia Defeated NWO Agents and Satanists in 2015
U.S. official: "I think it's indisputable that the Assad regime, with Russian military support, is probably in a safer position than it was."

“I don’t know about you, but I need a toast after this long victory against NWO agents and Satanists in 2015.”
…by Jonas E. Alexis
Business Insider, a Zionist outlet which usually finds a subtle way to lambast Vladimir Putin and which has perversely misrepresented my good friend Professor Denis Rancourt[1] (a stellar physicist, climatologist and medical doctor who has published over 100 articles in scientific journals and who is now doing intensive research on cancer[2]), has recently reported that U.S. officials have conceded defeat in 2015. It stated:
“Three months into his military intervention in Syria, Russian President Vladimir Putin has achieved his central goal of stabilizing the Assad government and, with the costs relatively low, could sustain military operations at this level for years, U.S. officials and military analysts say.
“That assessment comes despite public assertions by President Barack Obama and top aides that Putin has embarked on an ill-conceived mission in support of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that it will struggle to afford and that will likely fail.
“‘I think it’s indisputable that the Assad regime, with Russian military support, is probably in a safer position than it was,’ said a senior administration official, who requested anonymity. Five other U.S. officials interviewed by Reuters concurred with the view that the Russian mission has been mostly successful so far and is facing relatively low costs.”[3]
Putin, throughout 2015, waged a cosmic battle against the New World Order and Satan worshipers, and he obviously won by a landslide in Syria and even in Crimea. In his recent book The Neoconservative Threat to World Order, Paul Craig Roberts says that
“In an unprecedented turnout unmatched by any Western election, Crimeans voted 95.7% to join Russia.”[4]
Almost 96 percent? When was the last time you heard this in the Zionist media? Why couldn’t CNN, MSNBC, Fox New, the New York Times, the Washington Post, etc., publish this bombshell? Why did they prefer to listen to Jewish writers such as Massa Gessen, Walter Laqueur, and Garry Kasparov, people who perpetuated the lie that Putin aspired to exterminate those who disagreed with him?
Satanists who lost the cosmic struggle in 2015 in Syria and Crimea.
Now, let’s wind the political clock back to 2012, 2013, and 2014. Remember how gloomy and dark those years were? Remember how pessimist but well-meaning writers were telling us that hope was beyond reach and that doomsday was near?
Even science popularizers like physicist Michio Kaku were risibly postulated in 2010 that “the internet, Fox [News], television, cable, satellite TV…could get wiped out around 2012.” In 2012, it was Pat Buchanan’s turn to ask the big question: will America survive to 2025?
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